Growing Hemp


Well-Known Member
ok i just had an idea what if i grew some Hemp (i know how to get seeds that are growable and not sterile) then harvest the buds just like i would with normal weed that then buy some really potent weed mixed the two together then bam some okay weed that i could smoke with mates

is this possible - i have heard that its legal to grow hemp in the uk or atleast you need a licence but i have been told that it is not classed as a drug so i wouldnt get sent to prison for growing like 20 plants if the cops found out

is there a difference in the bud off a hemp plant except for a very low thc content of 0.3% is there a difference in the size shape or smell of the bud?

and would this idea work?



Well-Known Member
why not try it?
i dont see any flaws in the plan?
i'm not gonna sell what i grow its just to fill my weed out and make it last abit longer and could i make Hash from hemp?


Active Member
In may be legal where you live to grow hemp, but why would you want to smoke hemp? The genetics for these plants used for textiles are not suitable for smoking. Don't you know anything about the difference between hemp and "marijuana"? Try looking up on Google about growing hemp instead of asking stupid questions. Is that Seth Rogan on your avatar? lol I think explains a lot about you.


Active Member
I'm not sure what you're asking. Can you use it as a filler? Absolutely. Does this exempt you from arrest? No, you're still carrying an illegal substance (the half that isn't hemp). Then you have the pleasure of explaining to LEO your clever scheme, and hilarity ensues. Just don't do it.


Well-Known Member
okay i have done ALOT of reserch on hemp i know that is does not contain the same properties of smokeable cannabis but it does however grow the same, look the same, and Bud the same i know it will not get me high BUT if i ground up my weed and mixed it with some ground up hemp bud that would make my weed stash last allot longer when smoking with mates.

and i have not put seth rogen in my avatar because i like his acting or i am a fan of him personally i have put that as my avatar because i love the film pineapple express and it makes me remember many times i had fun smoking with my mates

and lastly WHY IS EVERYONE SO NEGATIVE I JUST ASKED A SIMPLE QUESTION YOU DONT NEED TO MAKE ME FEEL LIKE A RETARD, i am trying not to be negative but i started this thread to look for help not to be made feel stupid or dumb so can someone who has a nice personallity and only positive or informative things to say please answer my question


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what you're asking. Can you use it as a filler? Absolutely. Does this exempt you from arrest? No, you're still carrying an illegal substance (the half that isn't hemp). Then you have the pleasure of explaining to LEO your clever scheme, and hilarity ensues. Just don't do it.
i was talking about if they catch me growing it ?


Well-Known Member
but nobody has answered whether the hemp bud look or smells differently than the smokeable cannabis plants?

grow space

Well-Known Member
No i do not know if they smell the same, i think so, but dude..think.i have a better plan 4 u cas your plan is whack..get a license to grow hemp( where i live u have to do it, even with hemp) then start growing real herb, and to others u say its hemp...then u and yuor budds got a shitload of nuggs to inhale and then exhale :lol:



Active Member
Except they know what you're doing and you could be prone to random check up's and inspections. Not a good idea for a smoker more for a farmer. Why don't you just try to get a care giver license to grow real herb like everyone else?


Well-Known Member
you could use other smoke able herbs like damanina or blue lotus or tabacco as fillers. or just get a smaller pipe or load one hit at a time if your stressing over quanity. then you only smoke exactly what is needed with less waste, we call them bingers here dont know why.


Well-Known Member
i dunno if anything it will only be an experiment BTW does anyone know if hemp produces Pistils like the other strains of cannabis
and once a normal plant gets polinated do the pistils go?