growing hydro and havein problem please help


i am growing in a hydro system everthing was good till i switch them over to flowering and all the leaves on all my plants fell i dont know whats wrong the temp of the water is sitting at 72 an someone please help

Illegal Smile

They will probably be ok but something caused it and you need to isolate it. What all did you change? How much did you up nutes? Are you checking pH? etc etc


Well-Known Member
What's your pH? What nutes are you using and at what concentrations? Details people, we need details to help. :-)


Well-Known Member
You're nutes are too strong. Drain out some water and then add back plain ph balanced water. They'll show within a day or two if this helped. Try to shoot for 800-1000ppm

When switching over to flowering, gradually increase your bloom nutes.

Oh yea, try to get your ph around 5.8 to 6.0



Well-Known Member
Sure, they'll be fine. Pot is really tough to kill.

After flushing out the nutes, start adding back some nutes slowly until you get to 800 to 1000ppm. Take a few days to add back the nutes.


Well-Known Member
If you flushed them today, they should be looking better by tomorrow or Thursday.

Watch how fast they snap back.


Well-Known Member
By the way, always dilute your nutes prior to adding them to your rez.

ie mix them in a bucket with a gallon of water and then add to your rez.


Well-Known Member
The reason your plants died in flower is because of Mg lock.
During the bloom phase the plant demands a lot of Mg
You are using tapwater, and that is the problem
RO is the solution
Get an RO machine for under $100 at
Then use lower nute loads as suggested above.


i have a ro system and i have been flushing them with just water for 24hrs and it seems like the r getting worse and looks like they r drying up the color went from light green to very dark green i dont know what else to try


Well-Known Member
You may have root rot.
With your rez temp above 70 the odds are not in your favor.

Light green plants could be a indication of too high pH

Picture would really help


the room temp is 72 and the water temp 72 ph is 5.8 and thats just water those pis were taken yesterday and today they look worse then they did the look very dry


Well-Known Member
Wow, I'm surprised that they didn't respond better to the flush. After seeing your pics, I pm'd Uncle Ben and asked him to stop by to help you out.

Also you may want to post a detailed thread over on the MJ Plant Problem section:

Usually a good flush will clear up any over nute problems.

Sorry I can't be of more help.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
They will probably be ok but something caused it and you need to isolate it. What all did you change?
Shorty, you really need to address this member's question. What did YOU change? Plants just don't croak by flipping the switch to 12/12.

Looks like moisture stress caused by......

Good luck,