Growing in a MAJOR CITY - in an APARTMENT complex

No, don't do it. Too many plants in a small space. I live in NYC. Luckily for me, I own my little apt building. My first plant I grew, just one, stank up the room and into the hallway of the apt, not outside the apt tho. It was my fault. I left for a weekend and had everything automated but I didn't set up the odor control properly enough. I vented all air immediately and turned on my odor control full blast. Now I have a carbon scrubber. I have 5 plants in veg, only about 7inches tall so far. The smell is there but not strong, yet.

In NYC, tenants aren't allowed to change the locks. The reason is that if something did go wrong, the landlord should have access to the apartment in case the tenant isn't there. Otherwise, the door has to come down. I could TRY to have you kicked out for changing locks. However, the rent laws are heavy on the tenant side so it's not likely you'll get booted for that.

On another note, Downfoemythang said
You can always grow in the projects, no one will say a thing!!! And if they did, the police wouldn't come there anyway!!!
Well, I have some friends in the PJs and believe it or not the cops have apartments in the PJs. I don't mean that some live there. I mean they have apts they use to spy on the people in the PJs. They're not there to do stakeouts on specific targets. They're there simply to keep an eye on them. So, don't think the cops won't come there especially since they are most likely already there.

It's funny because you always know who they are even though they aren't wearing uniforms - as if a white guy would voluntarily move to Lincoln PJs in Harlem. I remember I was at a BBQ on 135th/5th Ave by the bball courts and this tall, lanky white guy comes over staggering, barely able to stand, asking for marijuana. We can all see it was an act. My friend screams at him.. GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE OFFICER! He just walks off. What's he gonna do - get mad and say we can't talk to a cop like that? They're in a predominantly Black area and everyone pretty much knows each other. There aren't even many Hispanic folks living there. I know of ONE in that area. White guys aren't going to make it there easily. Black folks don't even make it there easily. I don't know.. cops are dumb.

But, the point is, they do send cops to the PJs.


Active Member
No, don't do it. Too many plants in a small space. I live in NYC. Luckily for me, I own my little apt building. My first plant I grew, just one, stank up the room and into the hallway of the apt, not outside the apt tho. It was my fault. I left for a weekend and had everything automated but I didn't set up the odor control properly enough. I vented all air immediately and turned on my odor control full blast. Now I have a carbon scrubber. I have 5 plants in veg, only about 7inches tall so far. The smell is there but not strong, yet.

In NYC, tenants aren't allowed to change the locks. The reason is that if something did go wrong, the landlord should have access to the apartment in case the tenant isn't there. Otherwise, the door has to come down. I could TRY to have you kicked out for changing locks. However, the rent laws are heavy on the tenant side so it's not likely you'll get booted for that.

On another note, Downfoemythang said

Well, I have some friends in the PJs and believe it or not the cops have apartments in the PJs. I don't mean that some live there. I mean they have apts they use to spy on the people in the PJs. They're not there to do stakeouts on specific targets. They're there simply to keep an eye on them. So, don't think the cops won't come there especially since they are most likely already there.

It's funny because you always know who they are even though they aren't wearing uniforms - as if a white guy would voluntarily move to Lincoln PJs in Harlem. I remember I was at a BBQ on 135th/5th Ave by the bball courts and this tall, lanky white guy comes over staggering, barely able to stand, asking for marijuana. We can all see it was an act. My friend screams at him.. GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE OFFICER! He just walks off. What's he gonna do - get mad and say we can't talk to a cop like that? They're in a predominantly Black area and everyone pretty much knows each other. There aren't even many Hispanic folks living there. I know of ONE in that area. White guys aren't going to make it there easily. Black folks don't even make it there easily. I don't know.. cops are dumb.

But, the point is, they do send cops to the PJs.
This fucking sucks. Is there any way around this? I have to wait until I actually own an apartment or house?
This fucking sucks. Is there any way around this? I have to wait until I actually own an apartment or house?
well sure. Just don't go big. I'm helping quite a few people get around just such issues with 150w HPS setups. Nothing too major but if you top and scrog, you can yield a good amount.

it's all about going big in a small space. All you need to do is hit up IKEA, get a wardrobe, and outfit it for a grow. Or, head to home depot, get the wood you need and build your own box to your specs. I spotted a large piece of plywood for around 25 and they'll do the cuts for me for about 10 for 2'x2'x5' grow box.

And, I am throwing some wheels or casters on the boxes so if they need to be moved quickly, can just shut the door and wheel it away. I'm wiring it so that all you need is one plug. With a 150w light, the rest of the pieces needed wouldn't be more than 200w total. That's like adding half of a desktop computer.

You can also buy a grow tent but I never trusted those things.

The point is that you have to know your limitations and max them out as much as possible. You can still grow. Just don't shoot for a whole room.

50% of planning a crime is in the escape. So, always think of a way to get out of a sticky situation quickly if necessary.

good luck


Active Member
Try a rubbermaid grow w/ cfl's if its only for personal use....from the sounds of it though you seem to wanna do a lot more with it than smoke though...100 plants imo is even to much if you OWN a house , unless ofc u in the country or some shit..or somewhere its legal...(which you dont so..)
lol .. if ya look at it as far as being in the u.s. .. its not an option .. to many unknows and drama driven peeps ..

ss ..