Well-Known Member
Haha, know whats sad...I could actually see someone stupid enough to pull something like that."Student at ____ highschool caught growing marijuana in his locker"
more on this story at 11:00
Haha, know whats sad...I could actually see someone stupid enough to pull something like that."Student at ____ highschool caught growing marijuana in his locker"
more on this story at 11:00
This is probably the safest place to grow. Think about it man:
1) no one will think to look in a locker!
2) School locks there doors at night
3) Janitors might pitch in on watering during vacations and what not
4) Prison sentences for growing on school property arent really that long!
DO it!
That is some damn fine reasoning
I hate to brake it to you
1 - They do think about looking in a locker
2 - They do bring in drug dogs to do serches at random times
3 - I highly dought that any janitor nor teacher would help out
4 - I don't think that having a hose hooked up to the water fountin will go with out some one not seeing it
5 - Getting cought with drugs or even growing in a Drug Free Zone will get harder charges
I hate to brake it to you
1 - They do think about looking in a locker (even here in canada)
2 - They do bring in drug dogs to do serches at random times (they've done it 3 times in 1 month and 5 people have been cought)
3 - I highly dought that any janitor nor teacher would help out
4 - I don't think that having a hose hooked up to the water fountin will go with out some one not seeing it
5 - Getting cought with drugs or even growing in a Drug Free Zone will get harder charges
no what I'm saying if he gets cought he could get some hevy charges on his record
I think what you were trying to say is that its a good idea and he should try it!
no what I'm saying if he gets cought he could get some hevy charges on his record
and redlined he wasnt serious so stop being so serious