I have these kind of closet doors,u can leave door open and put up panda film then can cut a exhaust hole u got to have a way to ventilate
I have these kind of closet doors,
What could I do with these for ventilation?
This one was in a 2x3x4' closet with CFLs costing under $100. Great results. Might be helpful - This is the link.
Yeah I'd be able to cut a hole, but the way the doors open, I'm having trouble thinking of what I can do for the exhaust.oh those wont work they will let light in during dark periods u can staple panda film on them do u own your place i mean can u cut hole for exhaust
Thanks for the input, look's like a pretty decent setup and fairly cheap also, but I still don't know what I can do about the ventilation..This one was in a 2x3x4' closet with CFLs costing under $100. Great results. Might be helpful - This is the link.
sorry dont have pics but what i did was opened the closet doors taped them opened. then wrapped it in panda film from closet door to closet door making sure no light was going to get in this also adds an extra foot to your room. i threw a zipper on it for a door and i have a window right next to my closet with a cheap window fan in it i ran some cheap ducting to the panda film which i cut a hole in (make sure you seal everything) and thats intake and exhaust.
panda film $25
fan $20
duct tape $5
ducting $10
thumb tacks $1
zipper $12