Growing In an Apartment


Well-Known Member
Get a tent period. If you are even in a rental property you should use a tent even. No need in cutting holes and doing any mods to the property. Then if worse comes to worse you didnt "distroy" their property to make a buck. Even if it was personal smoke they are gonna look at it as if you moved if and made their property into a grow house they wont be happy. If its a tent in the side of the room I bet they wouldnt even know what it was unless they wanted some.


Well-Known Member
Exactly, get a tent, cool tube, fan/ carbon filter combo to make sure smell and light is under control. Put it in a walk in closet, if none is available, put it in your bedroom and keep it locked. Keep in mind the chances of them inspecting your apartment when your not home is low, but still a possibility. I would set it up as though people will be using your apartment when your not there, make sure there is no smell and keep your grow locked up, just so you have peace of mind. Have fun.


Well-Known Member
I grow in my apartment, I've had some close calls (that damn lady from Cox Cable wanted to look in the closet on the other side of the outlet to see if there were wires...even with the lights off she must've noticed but never said anything) but the landlords never check the closet. Just make sure there are no light-leaks out the window, try to keep the room no more than 10 degrees warmer than the rest of the house, and try to get strains that smell as little as possible. Only a dumb ass grows Skunk in an apartment.


Well-Known Member
Also it's always a plus if in your lease-agreement the landlord agrees to give 24 or 48 hours notification before they do any sort of visits.(I have 48 hours)


Well-Known Member
i live in a one bedroom apt, just plan it out and you can have the plant in a corner... nobody knows i'm growing except my g.f., who lives with me.... and have a carbon filter, even when those plants are small they smell...

what I do is put carbon sheets behind my exhaust fan, and put carbon sheets on the airconditioner filter... and it doesn't smell anymore... but i have a 1 plant 2 max sized box... so i don't need any sort of complicated filter.... good luck!


Well-Known Member
Read your lease, and know your rights.
Yeah because landlords in apartments can go in to check the property all it takes is phone records that say they TRYED to call you to tell you they needed to check the hot water or waterever reason.

Dont distroy property that isnt yours though its not right and it looks bad on growers. You need tents and ventlation and covers on bulbs makes it as if fire marshell was gonna come do a check on you.

Im telling you it looks ten times better on you if the worst happends if it was a nice small setup that looks like you put alot of money just for a little bit of smoke. And it makes it look like you care about your neighbors and their familys always cover your bulbs and vent them ALWAYS! Do not by cheap reflecters so when your at work and a light bulb blows it sets EVERYONES apartments on fire.


Active Member
if your up high (over 3rd floor) you can place the tent near a window and have the exaust go out there,(make sure it doesnt look obviouse from outside!) the wind that high should pull any stank away and if sombody does smell something, how would they know where it comes from?it could be anyone in the building or hood.

just dont be careless there's a house down the street from me that has a dryerhose sticking out of a 1st floor window, on a busy street (downtown _________)
before i noticed the hose my spidey sences tingled i could smell fresh plants so i looked at all the houses and noticed it,that was 4 months ago and its still there spreading stinky joy to the street, everytime i go to the pizza place i walk past it and think anyday now he's getting busted.haha
i think the worst thing to do is be paranoid, relax a bit and plan it out! and you can have a sweet indo-harvest
lifes a garden gid it


Well-Known Member
Hey guys will a 400w hps w/ a 240 cfm exhaust fan raise a red flag in my electric bill? Im in a 1 br apt btw.


Well-Known Member
Check to see if they have regular pest control . You don't want any uninvited guest. DON'T tell anyone period.


Well-Known Member
do u got your card? I live in a green state and the landlord doesn't care about me growin, as long as it doesn't bring the wrong kind of people around who are gonna steal and vandalize.

just be respectful, say hi to neighbors and stuff, dont act sketchy lol. I dont have any parties, and only crank the music at 4:20 when I'm gettin stoooopid :)
and according to my landlord, just put a towel under the door when you smoke. not sure how legit that is since smoke hangs in the air..not always by the bottom of the door lol.


Well-Known Member
In Los Angeles county they do smoke alarm inspections every 6 months. Simply tell them that you work from home and cannot have interruptions, the manager will likely pass your apartment up, say it was inspected, and give you a battery to replace the old smoke alarm battery. :)
ha, forgot to mention somethin bout this! a couple weeks ago we had the same inspections. we were told smoke detectors, and bathrooms would be checked for mold, as well as them checking the electric breakers.

Well me and a friend both had grows (both are legal) and we werent sure what to do. we ended up moving all our stuff across town, only to learn the manager is totally cool with it.

even funnier, after the landlord left I looked at the wall and saw where the smoke detector was supposed to be. I took it down cuz it kept goin off and forgot to put it back. they didnt even check lol


Well-Known Member
no pest control since i have no problems to begin with. Im more concerned with the consumption being noticeable to my electric company, even tho i hear 400 watts is nothing just want to be on the safe side.