growing in and outdoors


Active Member
Im wondering for my grow if i could do half of it indoors and half outdoors to cutback on costs. I was going to do the vegetative stage outside since it barely smells and sunlight is free, and then when they get to a decent size put them in my grow room indoors to start flowering.

I dont see how this couldnt work but then again i could be wrong, anybody tried this? or have any suggestions on doing this?


Well-Known Member
yes you can do that. smart. i run into my worst problems outdoors during flowering. weather, bugs, bud rot. outdoors they will get nice sturdy stalks and good vegative growth. i like your idea. i might try it. just veg outside in spring and summer. every couple weeks grab one and take it inside to flower. then you will have smoke in the summer when the outdoor guys are still waiting for halloween.


Well-Known Member
For many years I have been starting plants indoors, vegging outdoors, inducing flowering by bringing indoors for 12 hours of darkness, but I usually bring them back outdoors for the sun to help build strong buds. On rainy or cloudy days I bring 'em in for HPS... At end of season I will finish a few indoors as well.

JAH, I don't see any reason for you not to try it.

fdd2blk, I usually harvest my first batch of outdoor buds by the end of June...And I can control mold and mildew much easier by moving budding plants indoors, where I can control humidity!!!