Growing in ATL


Heya everyone, I have a little experience growing bagseed in the mediterranean, but I recently moved to georgia, just inside atlanta's perimeter.I'm not living in a place where I can grow indoors at this moment in time, so I'm growing in the great outdoors. Obviously the humidity is a little different from where I've grown before, so I need some advice. So far the strains I'm considering are Nirvana's Blackberry and Papaya, but i really like Sativas, so if you know of any high-potency 80/20's, let me know por favor.I need advice on growing here, not growing outdoors in general.I'm not sure on my spots yet, I'll update the thread when I've got that down.Hopefully I'll have all my information by the end of the year so I can start with my preparations.Kyyp hitten that reefa.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Im just north of you in Tennessee and I grow sativa doms.Im working with cindy 99bx1 now and Im growing it outside next year.I grow mostly inside but still had about 50 females outside.I grew Trainwreck and opium outside this year.I pulled most of my shit last week,I left about 10 plants out and its frosting here tommorrow night .I lived and grew in Georgia and the humidity did not bother my plants at all......Peace


Awesome...Appreciate it man.How did you get the opium growing without the long dick of the law all up in ya?Them pods be smellin stronger than herb..


Active Member
Through soil and climate, ATL area is a great place to grow outdoors IF you have the spot. Georgia is NOT the place to get caught growing..... or, as it is called in the law books "cultivating". It is a serious felony rap whether you get caught with one little plant or 100 big ones..... same thing. They will throw the book at you for either one, so be careful. Keep 'em topped, low, and buried in the brush or at the edges of openings and you'll do splendid. RIGHT NOW is the time to be looking at where you'll be growing because this time next year will be when your plants most need to be blended in to match their enviroments/traffic. Good luck!

With that said, here's some pics of this years stealthy sativa hybrid "Georgia On My Mind" grow, version 2009.



Thanks a lot FenderJazz, I'm doing my scouting this week, going to keep going till I find the perfect spots. Most likely I'll be taking pitstops on I-285 and going into isolated places for my pee breaks, either that or just longboarding around the next town down the line and finding good wooded areas. I'm not sure I want to do guerilla farming though, I feel like I'd forget where I planted them.I dig the last picture you attached, looks just like some shit one of my dealers grew this year...Bagseed?


Active Member
Yeah, man... that's bagseed bud, and I'd give my left nut to know what strain it is because I've never experienced a hybrid sativa to stay so low and spread out yet yield like these plants did. And the smell and smoothness? Unreal...... I will admit that this is the first year that I've ever used molasses in their feeding all the way through flowering so that may have something to do with the smoking characteristics of it as well, but WOW..... what a smoke!


Smart answer.Well hit me up when you start growing next year, I might have to ask you a couple of questions.++


Im havening a hard time just finding something to toke on here in ATL,i know people say its every where here but damn.Thinking about some spots in north ga for out door stuff.
yes i agree i'm from GA also. this is not the state to get caught growing in. i've heard horror stories of people getting busted and getting sentenced the full amount of time! "cringes" lets just hope the man stay's out of our skies!!!! good luck though to all my fellow GA growers. hope 2010 brings in some big yields for us all