Growing in Bulgaria

Hi newposter to site but have been on plenty times. I have had couple small auto grows here and good for weed in this county's. However I have a house in Sofia with an acre land and an apartment near sunny beach. I am interested in growing near my house. I have an acre land and very secluded. Their high summer period is June and July. (very high summer). So the plan is to do an outdoor grow from seed starting end of may with about 20 plants. Also plenty of spaces to do a guerilla. Then when go over end august harvest and take my apartment in sunny beach for rest and relaxation. Usually quite a few of us go so will be nice to turn up fully stocked. WhAt I don't use will be stored for next time go over so hopefully will have a good supply. Just wanted advice on the best strain to do in this environment, as I will just be leaving to grow naturally. They have divachka weed which grows naturally in the wild but lethargic stone (good before sleep as knocks you out) but too much and banging headache. (only good in June July when still strong). Was told last year after this it loses strength and when went over late august was a lot weaker. So if anyone can give me what they would recommend for best seed to leave for few months. I'm not expecting all to take good but hope for a fair few. Hope someone can help and any info/advice much appreciated. Thanks


Well-Known Member
I would check out mandala seeds as they are very strong and basically grow themselves indoor or out. or check out sannies sight and email him. he is a great breeder who will get back to you on which will work out the best he has some fantastic herb. good luck and enjoy your sunny high time!!


Active Member
Hey sonearyetsofia! Bulgaria is a great country!!! I worked there for 6 months in 2008. My work requires me to be outside and covers hundresd of acres. Weed grows everywhere over there. I found upwards of 20 plants while I was there. Some was not very good but I did manage to find a 7 ft plant full of good bud. That was a very good day. I saw plants in at lease 5 areas. I could not get to some because of the people I was with but there is no doubt what kind of plants I saw buzzing by them at 100KPH. I was working along th coast north of Varna. Take a nice ride along the coast and keep your eyes open. If you see a big open field go take a hike. If you see goats roaming a pasture, look in there. they love eating that shit. This is about the time of year I found the 7 ftr. Have fun and stay away from their local liquor!! I forget the name, maybe Rakia, but it leaves a wicked hangover. The Bulgarian women are HOT!!! Good luck


Well-Known Member
Cheers pal. I'll have a ganders. Must admit had never heard of those type
probably slang for ditch weed aka ruderalis.
Aything crossed to blueberry will retain it's potency longer. Like the other guy said Mandela's a good seed company, try the Satori.


Well-Known Member
Hey sonearysofia sounds like a good plan ! This has nothing to do with weed but I'm planning to be in Bulgaria in July , I want to see Sofia an have no idea where or what else to see? Any ideas of where to go ? I want good nightlife and interesting places and people! Thanks in advance