I'm a noob too, so take this with a grain of salt. But, my understanding of leaf health is that if the leaf is continuing to grow nice and green, then cutting the brown off is ok...once the leaf is to a certain size. As in, there's enough plant/ leaf material there to deal with the minor stress and open wounds you will be allowing access to your plant. While the plant is so small, I would guess that minimizing the stress it experiences would be the most important.
Once you start seeing more aggressive growth and she's definitely strong enough to fight off any parasites/ disease that might enter through those open wounds, clean up the tips. Or don't cut into the yellow part of the leaf, leave just a touch of brown as that material is already dead and should be protected from disease/parasites.
But, for now, I don't think that the brown on the tips hurt the plant at all.
Again, I'm new though. This comment is really to begin gathering feedback from a more experienced community on my comprehension of these things. btw... I'm in Vegas and am really interested in your experiences growing in the desert. Good luck!