Growing in hydroton plants growing slow!


Active Member
Im growing in hydroton and 5 gallon buckets anyway not my first time ,but first time my plants grow extra slow i have 3 g 13 clones and one of them is growing regular and the other arent same nutes on all what could it be is it possible on over watering on hydroton?:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
........I think if you explain your situation a bit better you'll get more responses........and pics ALWAYS help too;-)

You say hydroton in five gal the hydroton in a net basket in the lid?(, or just a bucket full of pebbles?<---hopefully not, as you probobly know) Where's your water level??<---is it DWC, drip, or ? I dont really think you can 'overwater' hydroton itself on ebb/flo, or 'drip'----just cant really leave it submerged either.........

Give more info:mrgreen:
Great luck to you!


Active Member
i just transplant one of my clones into fox farms organic mix and the other 2 are still in the hydroton my ph balance was between 5.5 and 6 and my nutes where to exact specs for the amount of water
they started growing fine the first week but then locked up really wierd one of them shot up 6 inches and then stopped and the other2 bout 2" and stopped.i dug round the grow rocks and saw the roots where all a lil brownish and white....its not my first time growing in hydro and ive had success in it but this grow got me worried the one i put in the fox farm organic mix is doin fine i dont know i really liked growin hydro but maybe i lost the touch ...


Well-Known Member
when you took your clones was your mother plant only fed with water a week prior or nutes right up to when you took cuttings. It is possible that the clones were feeding off of stored nutes in the leaves making it grow more vegitation on top instead of building a root system. They should pick up again once your root system matches the growth on top, i've had this happen to me before.


Well-Known Member
flowering cutting do the same thing to. dont be surprised if if lowest leaves end up slowly dying and deterioting, thats the effect of exactly whats happening in ur system, ur clones are eating stored nutes and growing it root system.


Well-Known Member
You say hydroton in five gal the hydroton in a net basket in the lid?(, or just a bucket full of pebbles?<---hopefully not, as you probobly know)

Why do you say this??


Active Member
theyre awsome now ...i said fuck it and managed to revive them thru fox farms ocean garden soil they pirked up in a couple of days and im using a 1000 hps now they all grew bout 2 feet in a week 1/2 .........always grew hydro and not a blemish and it looks like soil is my new calling but .... i'll try hydro one more time soon!....i/ll post a pic of ladies soon after they grow a bit i was really glad they cought on to the soil...cause the strain was given to me as a gift....