Growing in Japan and laws


Active Member
I cant even get my seed to germinate, so it might be pointless to contact me. But in the cooking guide I saw you can mix leaves and buds with peanut butter and put it in the microwave and hen eat it that way!?! Does that work I just went out and bought some peanut butter it cost like $8 (USD), and it's small I will post some pics of the peanut butter if anyone wants to see how bad I get raped when I buy food here. So anyone if I threw all this shake I have in that jar and microwaved it will I have some P-NUTT BUTT-ER :twisted:? I got the chunky kind I hope that won't effect it any, because I like it chunky!!


Well-Known Member
I cant even get my seed to germinate, so it might be pointless to contact me. But in the cooking guide I saw you can mix leaves and buds with peanut butter and put it in the microwave and hen eat it that way!?! Does that work I just went out and bought some peanut butter it cost like $8 (USD), and it's small I will post some pics of the peanut butter if anyone wants to see how bad I get raped when I buy food here. So anyone if I threw all this shake I have in that jar and microwaved it will I have some P-NUTT BUTT-ER :twisted:? I got the chunky kind I hope that won't effect it any, because I like it chunky!!
I hope your kidding, because that will not work...

I feel sad for you being all the way in japan with no THC.


Active Member
Ok glad you told me that won't work because that will be a waste of what I have, I was so about to do that.


Active Member
You could just go with the classic Leary biscuit.

Take a bit of peanut butter, slather it on a cracker, then add some sweet, sweet Mary.

Nuke it in the microwave for about 5 seconds. This helps the THC absorb into the butter more.


Simple, but it works like a charm everytime.
That was the original qoute from the cooking with Mary threads. I was banking on that working I have never eaten Mary Jane before. That's the whole reason I am growing so I can have access to enough to cook with. But if this seed doesn't germinate it might be easier to go back to the US for a little bit and just eat my friends lungs after they have hit a few blunts. I really just want this baby to spread it's sprout like wings and fly. Yea I am a foreigner here struggling to get a consist smoking source.

mr west

Well-Known Member
3 days is good for germination dude. patientnce is a must wen dealing with nature and plants in perticular.


Well-Known Member
That would maybe work with actual bud/shake

But not with leaves of a growing cannabis plant, there isnt even thc in it yet.


Active Member
I only have like a small bit of shake so on friday I might give it a shot. I really hope this works. I will let everyone now how it turns out.


Active Member
Looking for a good recipe to get me and my gf high with the least amount of weed. Im a large user and she is a light user lol.

Ive been reading about making butter but that really isn't my thing and i prefer smoking it. Just would be nice to have a nice 'high day' and make enough just for a day.

Ive tried putting peanut butter between 2 crackers and eating those... just thinking about that taste makes me want to throw up haha, and it was so intense that remembering it is a bad experience

So im looking for a good recipe that doesn't use tons of weed, tastes good, and i wont have to have tons of left overs.

Thanks everyone, rep+ to any answers at all
It looks like peanut butter might be promising I will eat half and smoke the rest.


Active Member
Yea I can find it buying it is the problem no one wants to sell to foreigners. Except other foreigners so I am going to grow my own so I can put it in food and pack this magic food in my bento box.


Well-Known Member
solely growing pot for cooking with cannabis requires copius amounts of ganja.

Much more than if you were to smoke it.

Given the current state of affairs in japan regarding pot laws, you would be better off growing to smoke as oppossed to digestion.


Active Member
hahaha....ur nuts dude.....any normal person won't tell u shit man :D
And why is that? On vacation I've asked bellhops and they'll tell me where to get good bud. Stoners are good people. :P

Kenny what part of Japan are you in? What kind of people sell it? Just sketchy people? lol... any advice?


Active Member
yeah, stop asking for a hook up!! No one is stupid enough to do that buddy, suck it up!
I'm really not.. I asked for advice.. and stop answering for other people... I would hook someone up in a second.

Why bother posting if you have nothing to contribute.. annoying.

I would never respond the way some of you do, it's pretty odd quite frankly when we are all here posting about the same thing.. that we all like... Just makes me roll my eyes.
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Active Member
solely growing pot for cooking with cannabis requires copius amounts of ganja.

Much more than if you were to smoke it.

Given the current state of affairs in japan regarding pot laws, you would be better off growing to smoke as oppossed to digestion.
I know it takes a lot but I am only cooking for one so I think if I find a good recipe that feeds like 4 if I just half everything I should be enough for me!?! :confused: