growing in open spaces? Is it possible? please help!


Hello everyone :D I recently got my medical card in Michigan and wanted to grow for myself. The problem is that the living room doubles as my bedroom. I want to grow but have no closet, or unused bathroom or bedroom available to use.

I also don't have a ton of cash (which is why I need to grow my own) so buying or making a grow box isn't something I can easily do either. Just getting the lights, soil, clone, fertilizer, etc is going to be most if not all of my available cash.

Is there any way for me to grow in this condition? I was only looking to grow one or two plants max, just enough to medicate myself reasonably within grow cycles.

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
ya definitely, I grew in an open space for quite awhile using a 1k hps...cooling was a major issue. what type of light are you using? thats gonna factor in to your heating problem if you ever have one. If your using say cfl's it isnt such a big issue. Using a 1000 watt HPS is another story. Ideally you want a closed space to control temps and RH also to keep it secluded, but I've grown some pretty gnarly plants in an open area...if you have a larger light system remember lots of fans and a nice A/C (perferably a window unit in the room your using). Personally I say go with a tent though. if you can build a 3 sided cubical and paint it flat white |_| and put your plant in reflect light.
if he dosent have money for a proper room he sure as hell dosent have a 1K hps, lol.
wait till you have enough oney and build something good and built it once.


Active Member
if he dosent have money for a proper room he sure as hell dosent have a 1K hps, lol.
wait till you have enough oney and build something good and built it once.
Um pretty sure Misstoke is a she not a he. Why wouldnt you just grow outdoors for the summer and put money to the side each week to put something together for winter?
I would go to target and buy a cheap cabinet large enough for 2-4 smaller plants and a few cfl bulbs and work with that. It's stealth enough and would work out nicely. Cabinets like that are very inexpensive and sometimes things can be gotten or found for little or no money.


Well-Known Member
Miss Toke, can you provide a ballpark on the budget? I suspect that it would help everyone try and help you.


Well-Known Member
If I were tight on cash i'd build a make shift tent out of pvc pipe (make a frame) and wal-mart $2 thermal survival blanket in the outdoor section (wrap the frame) then buy a 150w or > 250w < hps off ebay for $100 - $150 shipped. Use a compost/cow poo potting mix from your local home improvement store ($2) and some random plastic pails I have lying around. Maybe add a couple 6500k cfl bulbs for spectrum. Sorry for the random-ness of my high thoughts. Good luck :peace: Ss


Miss Toke, can you provide a ballpark on the budget? I suspect that it would help everyone try and help you.
maybe 150 bucks, I could do a tent if it was small enough, about how tall should I expect the plant to get? and how much should I expect to pay for a tent? I could try to make one with a thermal blanket or whatever. Do I really need a 1000w? bulb for 1 plant? I am not very skilled in the building stuff department

would something like this work?


Well-Known Member
Tents start at $60 + then you need lights. Have faith in yourself and attempt to built one like I mentioned before. It'll cost you tops of $20 (get 2 thermal blankets) and you can build it to suit your space requirement. Mean-while you could likely find a 150W hps on ebay with what $$ is left. That would be a great starting point. As for the plant size it will depend on the size of container its potted in. I'd start with either (2) 2 gal or (1) 5 gal bucket with some low stress training. Some will tell you that plants will grow 1 foot per gallon of soil.. Im not so sure how true it is. There are alot of factors into plant growth like for instance, stress, lighting, nutrients, ect. Many things play roles in a plant's development. Take alot of time and read through old post, and used the advanced search to search through thread titles. looks for the threads with alot of replies they tend to hold better info. Anything you want to know how to do, or any problems that arise are hidden somewhere inside this web site.


Well-Known Member
Ahh my genius has struck again. You say you arent good at building and you need affordable? How ghetto are you feeling? You can go to your local moving company and purchase 2 "wardrobe" packing boxes. they are quite large and the idea is to stack them for height. Most affordable thing i can think of, and you may decorate them as you please lol. I know its a silly idea but it may just be what you need at the moment. This will also allow you to focus your funds on the light because thats the most important/expensive.


Well-Known Member
I'd tell you to buy the tent you posted, but you'd have to build a Hps. If you went with cfl's you'd end up spening $100 + to get some decent buds and for that you can just buy the correct light.. I'd try to get a 250w and then buy a tent a month or two down the road. I can't stress enough how important the light is, plus you can also (in time) buy the hybrid MH bulb that runs in the 250w hps and use it for both veg and flower.


Active Member
Is just really gona suck cuz u will be stuck in the dark with your plants
Once you flower don't fuck up the darkness that the ladys need since you guys will be in the same room.