Growing in South Florida


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys, I have toyed with growing before and grew a pretty decent little plant last year. I picked it a bit too soon due to vacation plans and a bug problem. This year I ordered some white widow seeds from amsterdam and planted 10 of those, plus the 20 free seeds and some random bag seeds that I had. What I have ended up with is 3 of the WW and 5 other plants, all female. I planted these back in March and the WW's are in bud, fat bud with some red hairs, ( will try to post pics later). The other plants have kind of a xmas tree shape with lots of little white buds. Everytime I touch any of them I get resin all over my hands. My question is, why are they budding so soon? Did I plant at the wrong time? (too early) The ww's are only about 2 feet tall but like I said the buds are fat, approx 1 inch in diameter and about 2 inches tall each. The hairs are starting to turn red, about 20% at this point. Any advice for South Florida? Sorry to ramble, just smoked a sample:joint:


Well-Known Member
only 3/10 widows germed man? 2 feet tall, harvesting this early is not normal, unless they are autos. are the seeds from a reputable seed bank?


Well-Known Member
I have since figured things out for myself. Since I planted so early, the days were shorter than 12 hrs, so of course they went into flowering at a much smaller size! Duh!