growing in straw!ftw?

:) ive been wondering. when you're feeling fresh snap some pics - I'd love to see her
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waiting on some real growth but its a start. like i said one tiny root out the bottom, when it gets bigger ill get another pic giver her time, she not in my main light experiment wise, but i will be flowering her hydroponically in my NFT setup when the time comes.
beautiful. might have to transplant one of my discard clones into straw I have...

what are your thoughts on myceliated straw? Because I have all of that oyster mushroom colonized straw in bags...could just pot that up and plant straight into it. Hmm.....

keep this up and before you know it hydro stores will be selling straw lol
haha thats my next move after i fruit some tubs i got i want to plant into the fungi dominated straw.

my thoughts on it? it will be amazing! always hope for the best expect the worst, i think it can be done but i image the mycelium will die off rather quickly once all the optimal conditions for a plant in straw are met.(more watering with less water. got to keep the straw saturated)

well the hydro stores should be capitalizing on a lot of of things they have yet to really fully realize on. but hydro straw would piss me off, because that would rasie the prices everywhere else.:/ 5$ a bale is good for me:D
Yeah exactly lol fucking general hydro sterilized 3 cuft bales of straw for like $15...cant wait. hydro stores are generally clueless in general and way overpriced - quality nurseries tend to have a better selection (at least for organics) for 1/2 the price. :bigjoint:

As far as the colonized straw goes, I'll get on it and post some pics. Hopefully by the weekend....
i got roots out the bottom now. next im gonna try a plant transplant a plant in soil in a 4x4 pot into a gal bag full of straw next and flower it in the hydro setup.
lol its doing WAY better than a lot of peoples hardest effort at growing the got a greenthumb my good sir
some new pics roots really showing now, couldnt get a good pic showing all the small roots but you can see one bright one in there. and she gets taller and taller by the day.
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she looks real happy. have you done any reading about sprouted seed enzyme teas? what about aloe foliar/soil drench? coconut water? I'm thinking these are all things you could start to utilize to get some good results. what teas have you been giving her lately?

EDIT: you must spread some reputation around before giving it to polyarcturus again :( you deserve it...
purple mainstem= lockout/overhydration? my plants look like that and cant figure out what the heck it is...
purple mainstem= lockout/overhydration? my plants look like that and cant figure out what the heck it is...

actually all my plants are pretty purple right now i battle cold temps, but the honest truth is i run on low amounts of high P fertilizer cause id rather be lacking than overdosing with P, that can fuck up a whole grow so all my babys are a little P deprived.

buts its for sure not locked out, and definitely not over saturated, straw holds no moisture(other than what the straw itself can hold meaning there is no water trapped between straw strands.) and is fluffy as hell even packed into pot.

but the plants health is not a concern its in very good health, on top if that its blucheese clone which tend to have purple stems anyways.
she looks real happy. have you done any reading about sprouted seed enzyme teas? what about aloe foliar/soil drench? coconut water? I'm thinking these are all things you could start to utilize to get some good results. what teas have you been giving her lately?

EDIT: you must spread some reputation around before giving it to polyarcturus again :( you deserve it...

ive read plenty about germing seeds and dont tons of exerments. i wouldnt try to germ one in a compost tea. but the most effective ways ive found to pop seeds are pretty simple and it just depends on what im feeling will give me the best chances. more often than not i germ in distilled water with a drop or 2 of liquid kelp, or i will germ right into EWC if i think the nutrient boost wont kill it, but give it strength.

coconut water would be a baf choice would be a great additive to feed you seedling in the first 2 weeks tho, contains a lot of cytokines.

aloe i will have to look into i have an aloe plant too...

as to the teas? well she has been getting same as every one couple tbsps of both N and P gaunos 6 tbs EWC kelp meal greatwhite shark mayan microzyme so other enzyme(seniszyme?) shit, tsp of finely ground bone meal, and some other things 5 gal, i fill up the tray they all sit in till the water is gone(bout 3 days) then i let them get a little dry before adding regular water, then ill feed with some synthetics for 2 weeks. my teas mostly fulfill inoculation purposes, my goal is to create a diverse diet while still getting a solod diet of what they need.
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went ahead and jumped on the new experiment is my new media mix im gonna call "super straw" jk. now but i put on of my mini plants that was a week in flower into some contaminated straw that had a pretty good colonization of B+ so well see went back into flower in the NFT setup.