Growing in sunny San Diego?!


Good looking out, unfortunately, outdoor cali prices have plummeted to $800 a lb and even less, for a variety of reasons. Definetly not what it used to be. I RECALL BACK IN 2001, SCHWAGGY OUTDOOR WOULD GO FOR $4000 A LB ALL DAY LONG, BUT THings have changed. The harsher the penalties, the more rewards for growing pot. So, if Romney becomes prez, youll see pot prices go up as he has vowed to "fight tooth and nail against medical mj". Its funny, because most growers are for obama, but they are cutting there own throats. The informed people in the biz want romney in office because it will revitalize the underground black market.
i think that what u sed about Romney is absolutely right ....
and what u sed about money vs lb .....

800$ a pond !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WTF I'm doing here i should rent a freaking u haul get down to Cali and grab a truck full hahahhahahhahahahah

but seriously now 800$ a pound that's dirt cheap , like i sed over here for a good suff it's 4000$ , MMJ it's a good biz to be in here :)hehe
i heard that in N.Y City ppl r paying between 5000$ to 6000$ per lb , but that's top shelf stuff and only few strains can pull something like that in N.Y that i know of ...
hehehe to touch on a subject i read in HighTimes 20012 grow report and they been saying that sometimes .... quote.....

"...these strains are now coming into the city hot and heavy , commanding ridiculous prices at /boutique bud/ , pounds of these can fetch between $6.800 to $7.600, with competitive bidding sometimes taking that price tag even higher....'

well i don't know about that much per lb in the city but 5 to 6 grand it's a good assumption that top shelf bud is going for over there , i lived in the city for about a year but that was like 10 years ago and back then bud over there was expensive as hell per lb , but right now it got outrageous heheh , ....

but i'm glad that i move to CT , city for me was overcrowded and dirty as hell only manhattan was cool but that's all ...

but I've been thinking to move somewhere where it's warm , Florida maybe , because Cali it's expensive to live i heard.


New Member
Good looking out, unfortunately, outdoor cali prices have plummeted to $800 a lb and even less, for a variety of reasons. Definetly not what it used to be. I RECALL BACK IN 2001, SCHWAGGY OUTDOOR WOULD GO FOR $4000 A LB ALL DAY LONG, BUT THings have changed. The harsher the penalties, the more rewards for growing pot. So, if Romney becomes prez, youll see pot prices go up as he has vowed to "fight tooth and nail against medical mj". Its funny, because most growers are for obama, but they are cutting there own throats. The informed people in the biz want romney in office because it will revitalize the underground black market.


You're worried about Romney?!

What about obama shutting down the TWO THOUSAND+ dispensaries in the past four years, that were opened by lil' bush, all in your very own state of CA?!

4 years of obama have been WORSE for the MMJ community than SIXTEEEEEEN years of bushes.

Who knows how bad romney will be.

We do know, for sure, that obama is really bad.


hey blacksun u r wright about obama in my opinion , about shutting down dispensaries and stuff but u missing the point , what peaceness was saying when law was more hard on criminal side of MMj the prices was higher.....
so don't get mixed up this with Obamas raids on dispensaries when Obama came to the office they went softer on criminal side but .... start raiding dispensaries like crazy and that's a medical side of MMJ ...
in Massachusetts and recently in Connecticut up to a zip on u it's a simple ticket and slap on a wrist that's all, so criminal side went softer but raids on dispensaries went higher in my opinion when Obama came , but i been always saying ...
opinion r like assholes , everyone have one lol...
i just hope that the rest of the country when they join Medical Marijuana program they won't be like CT , because over here it's truly government involvement all the way , only 10 growers ... u picking ur medications from pharmacy ....
plus to top it of , idk how much of what i'm going to say now it's true , because i heard some rumors and those r not hard facts yet...
to get medical marijuana card in CT , u and ur doctor gotta prove that it's a last resort ,it's not that u have a choice hand full of pills or smoke a boogie ,
marijuana it's a last resort if nothing else is working , if there's some pills that can treat ur sickness and ur trying to get medical MMj license , they will denies ur ass and sed that there is already treatment for that , idk how it's going to be in a real life , once again those r just rumors what i heard they my be truth or they my turn out false idk ...
only time will show ... but for pacient to not be able grow them selfs i think it's BS BIIIIIG TIME !!!!!


Active Member
Plant limits are dependant on the county one is growing in. yes ive lived in mendocino county for years and years and mendocino county never allowed 99 plants. They allowed 25 plants per parcel, but most people do 10 times that amount. Sonoma county does/did allow 99 plants as well as a few other counties. As far as people moving up to humboldt and mendo to grow outdoors for the "paper", those days are pretty much over now. Those folks cant even give away their outdoor product as the market now wants indoor product. You should know, you are from northern cali.
In regards to san diego county allowing 24 plants under 64 square feet, i recommend that you google it. I spoke of a particular case in which a guy was growing lots of plants in a 2 story house, and did not get busted for it. Of course every case is different, but the guy was an idiot to grow a house full of pot anyways. I was just citing an extreme case in san diego county where the guy did not get popped. San diego district attorney is going after dispensarys that clearly are for profit trying to hide behind sb420. These places charge $60 an eight for pot which is the same as black market prices, so rightly so the district attorney is shutting them down. They know, as well as you and i know, that it is clearly for profit and not about sick people or about compassionate use. I dont have a problem with people selling their pot, just dont try to hide behind a law that was enacted for medical/compassionate reasons and still try to charge black market prices. Are we clear now??
A) Not from NorCal. Started out in SD awhile back and realized it wasn't the place to be because rent is way too high and there's way too many people trying to make the same buck.

B) Those days are over? Spoken like a true SoCal kid who thinks everyone up North wears ponchos and grows ODschwag. Plenty of the bud you smoke down that way comes from up here. They just tack on a little extra and let you assume its local. Yeah,if you're planning on growing you won't be able to come up here and clock out with some bullshit $3k-pounds but if you are consistant and you know what you're doing it can be a very smart move in the long run.

C) The San Diego DA is trying to close down ALL dispensaries. Dumanis has made it very clear that her intention is to shut down as many shops as she can, not just the "for profits". That was a large part of my decision to leave also. Saw waaaay too many good people drummed out of business, while Kush Bandits and Schwag Hustlers were allowed to go about their day to day. If the feds come a-knockin' she's always ready to play ball.

D) The fact that a 60-dollar-8th still exists is all the proof you need that San Diego has issues.

Love the food, the women, and the weather. But the city overall is just not a good enviroment for MMJ/growers.


Well-Known Member
A) Not from NorCal. Started out in SD awhile back and realized it wasn't the place to be because rent is way too high and there's way too many people trying to make the same buck.

B) Those days are over? Spoken like a true SoCal kid who thinks everyone up North wears ponchos and grows ODschwag. Plenty of the bud you smoke down that way comes from up here. They just tack on a little extra and let you assume its local. Yeah,if you're planning on growing you won't be able to come up here and clock out with some bullshit $3k-pounds but if you are consistant and you know what you're doing it can be a very smart move in the long run.

C) The San Diego DA is trying to close down ALL dispensaries. Dumanis has made it very clear that her intention is to shut down as many shops as she can, not just the "for profits". That was a large part of my decision to leave also. Saw waaaay too many good people drummed out of business, while Kush Bandits and Schwag Hustlers were allowed to go about their day to day. If the feds come a-knockin' she's always ready to play ball.

D) The fact that a 60-dollar-8th still exists is all the proof you need that San Diego has issues.

Love the food, the women, and the weather. But the city overall is just not a good enviroment for MMJ/growers.
Wow! You have no clue what you are talking about or who you are talking to, so i wont even get into it with you. Sorry to hear you couldnt survive in San Diego because of the MJ political climate. Perhaps you should of tried applying for jobs or maybe you need to further your education or just become more resourceful in order to survive in the big city. To each his own, happy growing.


Active Member
Wow! You have no clue what you are talking about or who you are talking to, so i wont even get into it with you. Sorry to hear you couldnt survive in San Diego because of the MJ political climate. Perhaps you should of tried applying for jobs or maybe you need to further your education or just become more resourceful in order to survive in the big city. To each his own, happy growing.
The "Big City"? Hahahaha..SD? Nahhh..

I'm from the East Coast, your little suburb didn't spook me. Nice try though, I liked the part where you tried to come off like a street-saavy dude talking to the country mouse :roll:

And you didn't refute anything I said, once again. You just pop up with typical "DAYGO RULES!" douchebaggery that I find to be synonymous with the scene down there.

You offer opinions but no facts. I base everything I said on fact. The local electorate IS hostile to MMJ (see lots of storefront dispensaries there?). Rent IS way too fuckin high ($2,000 was the cheapest I could find a 4bd in a decent neighborhood). There ARE a million people trying to jump in down there (i'm sure you can agree with that at least?). Obviously we have a flood of people trying to cash in up here too but there's enough room to spread your wings. Not the case down there.

I know for a fact that pounds from NorCal still can fetch good money. Not the outdoor (which goes for roughly $1,000-1,800 as far as I can tell) but thats the case everywhere. You think nobody has their indoor game setup up here?

Last I checked the number of store front shops in San Diego had dropped pretty drastically due to pressure from the City. So why would someone want to live and grow there when they have better options on the table? LA, San Fran-Oakland, Norcal, Fort Collins, Denver. All better places. All with less hostile locals. And no DEA border-funding runoff (SD is like their backyard..).


New Member

You're worried about Romney?!

What about obama shutting down the TWO THOUSAND+ dispensaries in the past four years, that were opened by lil' bush, all in your very own state of CA?!

4 years of obama have been WORSE for the MMJ community than SIXTEEEEEEN years of bushes.

Who knows how bad romney will be.

We do know, for sure, that obama is really bad.
Well, I know that presidents are pretty much fuckin useless all the way around and will do anything for votes, and most people are against marijuana, so they will fuck us over for more votes. Nothing we can do about it except kill people until they legalize it. But we both know that we won't kill people, that's the governments job... First they kill the enemies, then they kill the people at home by refusing to give them medicine. I say fuck all gov't. Not one for anarchy, but a higher code human code is needed than this bullshit. Only I would be able to provide that, but we both know a genius would never be elected president. We want dumb sheep that sound good to lead us. Stupid fucking system in a stupid fucking world, always pissing me off with their retardation.


Well-Known Member
Just to correct some of the misinformation, San Diego city limits has a local ordinance that allows 24 plants per patient, and 48 if you are growing for others. Each patient can possess 1 pound, or 2 pounds if you are growing for others. That ordinance was enacted in 2003.



Active Member
@Mod- Was verified a couple times (once at MC2, twice at 42Ocardcorps) and was told 8 oz and 6 mature/12 immature by both places. I did look into it after reading your post and the webpage outlining city policy I saw did seem to run pretty much in line with what you were saying though it didn't mention when it was put it place. Really weird all the same, thanks for correcting my earlier post.

@Peaceness- SD is still a very hostile enviroment to MMJ. Which is why you have so many delivery services..


Well-Known Member
The prices up here are cheaper, but that doesn't mean you can't take it on down to SD, where people try to charge you $50 an 8th for so-so Kush, and do your thing. The only thing you pay for living in San Diego is the weather. Other then that, everything else is pretty much busted. The cost of living is outrageous, the job market is completely toredown, and as far as the cops go you are definitely pullin some Story Time stuff cus that is not how it goes. In San Diego you aren't even allowed to grow 20 plants and that includes mature/immature, so they definitely would have nailed his ass to the wall if they caught a housefull.

And i'd like to see your stats for the hydrostore numbers because I think LA has something to say about that...
Old thread I know...don't care.
I agree with you about almost everything you said about San Diego.
I moved here from Oregon in 97, and hate everything about it, EXCEPT for my
summer grows here! No electric bill...
unless you are rich,������it sucks here in my opinion.
Oh and Oregon rocks! Weather and all.


Need a little help. Just moved here a year ago and finnaly got a place to complete an outdoor grow. Does anyone know where you can get quality bulk soil? I'm trying to fill 12, 100 gallon smartpots. Thanks