Growing in the Carolinas!

I am keeping it personnel guys. I dont believe in selling. And why the hateful names callin me a motherfucker? I never said fuck the man, I said lets show the government, as in challenge them. No need for your rude words. And btw im very happy tk hear you grow for wounded vets.
Well I guess after lurking for about a month it's time to join in. I'm just outside of Raleigh and just getting started. If it wasn't for rollitup I would be lost, but after reading and reading and reading for hours and hours and hours I think I'm finally on the right track.

Hearrrdd that. This sites pretty awesome.
Didn't mean it in a personal way dude, sorry. I was fucked up too if that's helps, i know it's not an excuse. But hear me out, NC,SC you will fall if you challenge the law. Too many political sheriffs looking for whatever bullshit busts they can get under their belt. +rep to you
understood man, and thank-you for the apology!:) yeah for the time being this first, small, indoor, auto, grow will be my only grow for awhile. I may tend to some seed till it hits veg and just leave it to go wild in the forest but, y'all are all definently right about the presence of the law around here. Just a good rule of thumb for the carolinas, if the law starts to snoop around on an indoor grow, destroy everything before they get a warrant. If they find an outdoor grow, which you can know if you setup a game camera;), then leave it be! Its easy to evade the law when they aren't suspicious of you but, once they are around here, it's true as ya'll say; you'll be fucked in the butt hole like a cheap date:)lol. Btw everyone i'll be posting pics on saturday as my girl starts week 5! she's already flowering and is almost a foot in heighth. tooo excited:)!!!!
Columbia, SC here. I'm not surprised to see a few from Asheville. I hear they have great bud up there. I agree with what everyone has said about SC, Columbia is the worst. Good bud is expensive, so a LOT of people get Lbs shipped from Cali or Colo (which is too bad because it grows wonderfully outdoors here). I light of the oppressive laws I only do a small personal indoor grow. I also sold for a few years, with most of my bud being shipped from Cali. I just hate the game now, too much bullshit. I'd rather just grow my personal stash and relax more. I feel much safer making NO transactions.
Didn't mean it in a personal way dude, sorry. I was fucked up too if that's helps, i know it's not an excuse. But hear me out, NC,SC you will fall if you challenge the law. Too many political sheriffs looking for whatever bullshit busts they can get under their belt. +rep to you

I agree, it will be a few generations before any lawmakers in SC would consider legalization. I have friends that have done big grows in Charlotte, but I think they're taking too big a risk.
Columbia, SC here. I'm not surprised to see a few from Asheville. I hear they have great bud up there. I agree with what everyone has said about SC, Columbia is the worst. Good bud is expensive, so a LOT of people get Lbs shipped from Cali or Colo (which is too bad because it grows wonderfully outdoors here). I light of the oppressive laws I only do a small personal indoor grow. I also sold for a few years, with most of my bud being shipped from Cali. I just hate the game now, too much bullshit. I'd rather just grow my personal stash and relax more. I feel much safer making NO transactions.

i feel that about making no transactions, thats how they get you, people snitch its a fuckn fact, haha. like 75% of the budds even in Charlotte are all mail budd from Cali n shit, all the local weed from NC SUCKS. and the outdoor season SUCKS unless you start super early, yah it might be a long growing season, but does that make up for the crippling humidity and buggs that will ruin any hard budds you have. im speaking from experiance not speculation, the outdoor season in NC SUCKS, theres more buggs per square foot as anyhwere in the US the place thats worse in the swamps of Georgia or Florida.
well now that everyone has had there chance to say how fucked up a state NC is ....some of us still have to live here lmao , im new at growing ...and i have a question....whats a good potting soil to use that i can pick up at home depot or somewhere like that, i was told miracle grow was not good to use ????
As a resident of NC, and a grower of indoor and out, I can honestly say "shananigans" to the haters. I don't have bug issues (no more than any other state during grow season), grow great stuff, and know a few others that also grow great stuff. Yes they are bible thumping people, but who cares. It's also dependant on where you are on what type of people you will be dealing with.
The same type of mentality your associating "the carolinas" with, is the same type of mentality the government uses to describe marijuana users.
Feeble thought from a feeble mind I see. I say who cares bout what the bible thumpers say, and that makes me one, ok whatever rocks yur socks. The government marijuana user stereotype is that we are all a bunch of criminals and dead beats. Your outlook on all the carolinas is also a stereotype. If you could actually read, the point was your stereotyping. I am also from a totally different area then the carolinas. I'm from the northeast originally. So go ahead and stereotype all the Carolina's. You do not live here and the people that do know better. I'll go back to sitting in my yard where I will count the ticks jawing on me.
and its the government who votes in NC? the laws of the land describe the views of the people, id really like 2 see some of these world class budds your growing in NC cuz ive spent nearly 3 years in and around Charlotte and the only decent weed you can get is old vaccuum packed cali budds n it was always the corns n shit and never ever fresh and its over priced 2 hell. out of all the local grown, the best shit i got was decent at best. put some pics up of these "world class nugs" you got coming out of NC, id really like 2 see this 4 myself....and i guarentee this "feeble mind" could grow you under a bus.
alright everyone settle down:) no ones a bible thumper, most "bible thumpers" wouldn't have an account on a marijuana website, hahaha!!:) let bygones be bygones...i think thats the correct spelling:D?? And btw I agree with everyone on weed quality, buds from up north and out west are much better than local; as to be expected. Theres just no way to grow as big and as high quality as out west where drug laws are less strict and where a hydro store is on every I have to order anything i want for hydro:( HTG supply is great though!! alright everyone, quick pro quo (hello clarice...;]), what is the quickest drying method anyone has used?? and how bad did drying smell compared to the actual grow? :)
the quickest drying method ive ever used is this food dehydrator used for making jerky, drying fruits and veggies, and drying herbs n spices and has different settings for each. i only ever ran it on the lowest setting cuz it gets warmer the higher you turn it up and i didnt want the heat element, its basically a ufo w a top piece that you lift up and theres shelves inside you put the reefer on, then close it and turn it on and it sucks airs thru from the top 2 the bottom constantly pushing warm air thru whatever is on the shelves, the higher you turn it on the hotter it gets and the faster it evaporates the water up out of whatever is in there. but yah heat is bad for the budds so i was afraid 2 turn it up higher than 90 degrees or whatever the low setting was and that takes like 3 days from of the plant 2 dry enuff 2 smoke, but i didnt like the texture the budds took from getting sucked dry so fast so i jus slow dry my personal shit.
very nice to remember that method for a quick dry! I think ive decided when it is finally time to dry im gonna put a fan in a whole in a box, string the buds up and have an opening on the other side then put it in a dark warm area for 4-5 days!:) does that sound like a good plan?
yah basically the best way you can quick dry it like that is just 2 push/suck air through it, ive done it both way with a fan pushing air through or turning the fan around and enclosing the budds in somthing like you said and sucking the air through instead of pushing it gets the best results in my opinion. so like youd have the fan facing outwards from the exit instead of facing into the opening, it just seems thats pulling the air seems 2 reduce the humidity more effectively than pushing it 4 whatever reason.
I'm about to smack the shit out of someone with a Bible!

I don't know what you're talking about with NC sucking for outdoor. I have had some great outdoor that was grown in NC. I can def see humidity being a problem though. They grow damn near everything else here in the way of crops. We have been getting some great rain this year too, so I refuse to believe it's impossible to grow good outdoor here.
The same type of mentality your associating "the carolinas" with, is the same type of mentality the government uses to describe marijuana users.

Yes, this ^^

There are some great fucking people in SC/NC. It's definitely a strange subculture to a lot of people, but don't hate.
such uptight stoners in NC I see lol. It doesn't matter where you grow bud, if you give it tlc it will be good. NC is no different than anywhere else so saying that there isn't really good bud there is nonsense. If you can't find really good bud there your obviously not connected to the right folks because it's there and everywhere else in this country all the same.
such uptight stoners in NC I see lol. It doesn't matter where you grow bud, if you give it tlc it will be good. NC is no different than anywhere else so saying that there isn't really good bud there is nonsense. If you can't find really good bud there your obviously not connected to the right folks because it's there and everywhere else in this country all the same.
Well of course were uptight. We have bibles we can't read cuz I didn't dun get me sum edjumacashin, so we use dem deer wurded book to thump our bugs that outnumber us a bazillion to one. Have no good smoke we can buy and can't even grow half descent weed. Lol.
Like its all of the carolinas fault that someone had to resort to street schwag and overpaid for it too. Meh, whatever.

Wrendude, sorry your thread got jacked. I wish you luck on finding more people that are willing to say they also love a great plant from this state, even in light of the hate that was brought in.
thanks! and its okay, I don't consider it jacked, just a tad of sqwabble is all:) a very good point was made though, although outdoor weed is hard to compare to places with perfect climate for weed, indoors is the same anywhere. if you take good care of your plant indoors then it will be just as good as cali or new york or anywhere:) btw just bought my first HPS light!!! Its a dimmable 400watt digital HPS ballast!!! HTG is cheaper on their ebay store!;) plus free shipping, expecting very nice grows from here on out!!
Grumpy man lets see those pics of this awesome budd your growing! until then shut the fuck up haha i was tryn 2 get back onto topic and you Carolinians are talking shit again obviously whatever i said hit a nerve cuz yall are crying your eyes out about it hahahahaha, you dont know good weed get the fuck over it. IMAG0297.jpgIMAG0296.jpg thats dwarf plants i barely take care of. id really like 2 see you top my shit plants Grumpy seriously please do show us some pics of your awesome Carolina style garden!!!!???? you prolly cant even grow you fuckn troll. im trying 2 talk 2 Wrendude about serious shit and your still crying about getting dissed, i must have hit a nerve.