growing in the uk

Chosen Dutches

Active Member
Not in the ground but i have experienced it. Got a few on the grow now, also my mates plant is just going into flower. What do you need to know mate?

I've only ever grown in pots though.


Well-Known Member
well the lot relly i mean it's now more than 12 hours of light a day and the weather is getting better if i plant now will thay grow well for sep time i mean 3 mouth's would that be fine

Chosen Dutches

Active Member
Meh ive only got seedlings at the moment. Depends on what strains you're looking at. They won't get massive but you will get buds mate.

Chosen Dutches

Active Member
Yeah i've always thought to do that, never actually tried though.
Theres a few threads around to do with tree growing.

Got any pictures?


Well-Known Member
will have picture soon going to put a hole grow journal about this online from start to finish bit like brown dirt warrior from you tube but in the uk.


Active Member
They are'nt gonna grow massive but I'll get a nice bit of bud hopefully. All I've bought is a bag of good soil, some perlite/ vermiculate, Bat shit fertilizer and some seeds so it does'nt cost much to have a crack.
Personally I'd say site selection is the MOST important thing to consider. Me and a friend have attempted to grow outdoors in the UK for the past 2 years but this year we decided to try it properly and not use bagseed. The only problem is that our site is not as secure as we 1st thought and we've had cameras and air rifles pointed at us whilst near the plants and been seen by farmers/ council workers, all of which make for a bum clenching trip each time we check on them, dont make the same mistake we did.