i will get a mini greenhouse if i can im gonna see at b and q tomorrow see if u have to assemble it, that way i can just sneak the box up there and make it up there
well i planted two more, one seed came out of its shell whilst germinating, i planted it and over night it had sprouted, im sure thats a good sign! planted another one two and ive found this weird net things to go around the pots so they cant get eaten like the last one!!!!
i'm going to work on putting loads of shit around my grow site so that animals cant get to it. also i noticed slug trails on the soil of my pots but now they cant get in because of the net.
got a few more seeds that are close to being planted, check the pots for the seeds i planted about a month ago and theyve done nothing, so im forgetting them.
ill take a picture and whatnot if i get a mini greenhouse