Growing indoors

bus driver

Active Member
Hey guys, first off i wanna say this is the best informational site i have come across on the net...
i am curently growing 6 baby girls and wass wondering if anyone can help me out and give me the A B C's of growing indoors...

My Main question is
after starting to grow, how long do i wait untill i change the light periods? whether it be 12/12 or 16/8? give me some suggestions.... thanks guys:peace:


Well-Known Member
That's a pretty broad question with a lot of variables in figuring out the answer. You should check out the FAQs:

But i'll try to give you some idea.... I like my plants to be about a foot high before switching to 12/12. I like them short and bushy so i throw a lot of light at them. It usually takes about 4-5 weeks for them to reach this height.

BUT -- it depends - if you are growing SoG or SCRoG then you'll throw them into flower right away. Or if you don't have a lot of room for vertical growth you'll also want to flower them before they get too large.

So you see it really depends on a number of things - there is no "right" or pat answer.

Here is a pic of some plants that are just about ready (for me) to put on 12/12... 33 days old... note the 12" ruler sticking in there.


bus driver

Active Member
ok... so i determine when i want my plants to go into flowering around a foot is good???
untill then do i keep light on 24/7?


Well-Known Member
Yes - since you control the light cycle - unless the plant is auto-flowering (chances are it isn't) then when you switch to 12/12 that starts the flowering cycle. The idea is the plant should be big enough to support large buds but not so big that it outgrows the space it is in. Keep in mind a plant can double or even triple in size AFTER switching to 12/12.

bus driver

Active Member
alright thanks..... is aluminum foil bad? or is it ok..... reason being we hung foil in the 4x6 room.... should i take it out???


Active Member
yes take it out. too many hot spots and light shoots everywhere. Replace with a white film paper that is found at your local grow shop.


Well-Known Member
again, it depends (noticing a theme here?). I've already had to wait a month into flowering before plants have shown sex.

bus driver

Active Member
so i keep getting confused with people talking about all of these cfl's hd's all that stuff.... so... what kind of light should i use for veg. and then what should i change as my babies go into flowering....what can i buy at wally world that will be sufficent light.
i am using miricle grow moisture control potting soil.... is this good enough or should i switch to something differen't...again if something will work better can you please tell me a good brand...

bus driver

Active Member
as of right now i have 2 24" fl's at about an inch height away from eight 1 week old plants... one of the bulbs is a GE brand Ecolux 5000k 875 lumens the other is just a "Grow Light" i picked up at a local store... the properties i don't know.... i know i will need to add more light as the plants get bigger... but how much light does a 2 inch lady need?


Well-Known Member
i think its like 50w per square foot? i duno read that somewhere on here but could be completely wrong.

bus driver

Active Member
do i want my room humid or dry? i have heard dry so your girls can build more resin to help keep moisture in.... i have heard both ways.... please help


Well-Known Member
If you use cfls for vegging get the day light ones 6500k as much wattage as you can find, for flowering get the other kind(can't remember what they are called). The more light the better but you'll have to keep your temperature in check. To get a better yield you may think about getting a hps or t5s for flowering as they are high output lighting systems and your plants will love them.

humidity can be anywhere from 30% - 70%. I may be wrong as I am still a noob my self but I think the humidity doesn't play a large factor until you're flowering. In flowering you'll want to keep it on the low side to encourage more resin production and to prevent bud rot.