Growing indoors


Well-Known Member
Tin foil is harmless when using the non-shiny side. However, flat matte white paint is only 3-4% less reflective and easier to disinfect without effecting reflection.

yes take it out. too many hot spots and light shoots everywhere. Replace with a white film paper that is found at your local grow shop.
Ok, lots of question you have here. When using fluoros, get a double socket ballast (a light fixture that'll hold 2 bulbs). Use a combination of one cool white, and one warm white. You can do the whole veg process with fluro's. It's cheaper, easier, and less risk of fire. However, flowering requires more power. Many people slack on the reading before bombarding the site with questions that have been answered many times over. Please read the sticky's and watch this video. I don;t agree 100% with all his info but it gives you a good idea of how shit works.

Cannabis Cultivation - I Grow Chronic (1of9) Weed Marijuana

There's 9 segments to it. Be sure to watch them in order.


Active Member
You should check the Watt's of everything befor you buy them. Don't worry about the size just ask them the wattage and the lumen output. CFL's work as well as flo's accept its harder to find CFL's with high wattage. Tinfoil wont hurt your plants I use it everytime. You can get higher wield by useing hps but it all depends on your growing space. I light CFL's and flo's the best because their cheap but I'm not growing anything special. It all just depends on what your looking to grow. The guy at high times told me 175 watts should be great for 2 plants, which is how many I usually have going for personal. so if your doing 6 525 watts(at least, the more watts the better your babies will love it) of electricity and I actually forget how much lumens you need but I'm sure someone else can answer? Hope any a bit of what I've said helps