Growing is an addiction, and I am addicted


Well-Known Member
About a year ago I joined this forum with the intention of growing Marijuana. My first attempt was a laughable failure (I attempted to grow 5 plants under a 150 watt incandescent light bulb). This failure disheartened me greatly and there ended my hopes and dreams. But a year later my interest peeked again and this time I decided I needed to do a real attempt. After sinking in like 6-800 dollars I had a nice set up and jumped in. I lost 2/5 plants I started due to own neglegence but 2 of them are doing wonderful, and for my first real attempt I am in love. And here is the catch, I dont even smoke weed. Havent smoked in 3 years, no real rhyme or reason, just havent. But I have become obsessed to the point where I sit outside my tent at night while listening to music and texting. I love it, I love the feeling of growing, every day looking at the plant and seeing it become a beautiful organism that I created. I hope this feeling never leaves me for its more blissful than most experiences. I hope this obsession tones me into a professional grower, hardens me into a pro. I want to make the best weed anyone in texas has ever smoked. I want to be the guy growing the shit where when people smoke it they are like "Fuck dude where the fuck did you get this".

And I have everyone here to thank. This community vegged and flowered my obsession (lol@ using a pun fml). Seriously you are all so helpful and giving, and you ask nothing in return. I will become a professional and I will spend the rest of my time giving back my hard earned experience to newbies. I will help others feel what I feel now. I really can't thank this community enough for existing, and I hope to become a familiar face.

Happy growing RIU!,


Well-Known Member
i feel the same way newb. lol. just messing with ya. yeah bro i got addicted too. ive got a total of 18 now and only started with three clones under a 150 hps. lmao now i have a bit more lighting and soon to much extra smoke. :) and i smoke a lot. lmao


Well-Known Member
Thats whats up dude, I have no doubt once I cure those buds ill smoke em all haha. Yeah Mine is starting to get big enough to clone, I am nervous about my first clone sesh but that is neither here nor there.


Well-Known Member
Thats whats up dude, I have no doubt once I cure those buds ill smoke em all haha. Yeah Mine is starting to get big enough to clone, I am nervous about my first clone sesh but that is neither here nor there.
man make a bubble cloner. i made mine cost me like 10 bucks total minus the air pump and stones. i get roots everytime lately since ive used it. super easy. all i use is phd water some rooting solution and cloning gel. put them in and in about a week u have roots starting and they r ready in 10-12 days normally for planting in my coco.


Well-Known Member
mate cloning is so freaking easy i was like you a tad intimidated... but yeh i didnt follow the guidelines and still had success! good luck man


Well-Known Member
hells yeah after the first one u will be over the anxiety from thinkin about it and worrying about it to long. lol. i freaked the first attempt. till i saw the roots that is. now its just second nature.


Well-Known Member
. And here is the catch, I dont even smoke weed. Havent smoked in 3 years, no real rhyme or reason, just havent. But I have become obsessed to the point where I sit outside my tent at night while listening to music and texting. I love it, I love the feeling of growing, every day looking at the plant and seeing it become a beautiful organism that I created. I hope this feeling never leaves me for its more blissful than most experiences. I hope this obsession tones me into a professional grower, hardens me into a pro. I want to make the best weed anyone in texas has ever smoked. I want to be the guy growing the shit where when people smoke it they are like "Fuck dude where the fuck did you get this".

And I have everyone here to thank. This community vegged and flowered my obsession (lol@ using a pun fml). Seriously you are all so helpful and giving, and you ask nothing in return. I will become a professional and I will spend the rest of my time giving back my hard earned experience to newbies. I will help others feel what I feel now. I really can't thank this community enough for existing, and I hope to become a familiar face.
How are you going to know what's the "best" if you don't smoke it yourself?

I "get" your story (growing IS fun), but if you're not interested in using the final product, you're taking all the legal risk of growing without most of the benefit. IMO, not wise.

Alternatively, if you're getting paid cash for your weed, maybe that's a risk worth taking. If you're doing a medical grow for a truly sick relative or friend, again, likely a risk worth taking. But smoking up your friends for fun? That may make you feel like a big shot, but IMO its also a good way to get busted. One wrong word to the wrong person, even unintentionally, and you are screwed.

This will sound harsh but this is what I suggest.

If you're addicted to gardening indoors, then swap out your cannabis plants for some nice legal herbs and vegetables.

You certainly wouldn't be the first one to go from growing weed to basil, tomatoes, peppers and the like. Not only will those things do AWESOME in a typical cannabis setup, you could actually enjoy them yourself, give them openly to your friends, and best of all, you wouldn't have to worry about serious life-altering legal ramifications.

If you're into the technical challenge of growing, you could try growing some exotic flowers, like orchids. Those are every bit as involved to grow as cannabis (if not harder), plus you could even sell the product (openly!) when you're done.

On the other hand, if you're serious about becoming a pro grower, then at least move your butt into a jurisdiction where growing is legal. If you're not willing to quit your current job to do the relocation, then ask yourself how badly you really want to be a "pro" (ie someone who grows for a living).


How are you going to know what's the "best" if you don't smoke it yourself?

I "get" your story (growing IS fun), but if you're not interested in using the final product, you're taking all the legal risk of growing without most of the benefit. IMO, not wise.

Alternatively, if you're getting paid cash for your weed, maybe that's a risk worth taking. If you're doing a medical grow for a truly sick relative or friend, again, likely a risk worth taking. But smoking up your friends for fun? That may make you feel like a big shot, but IMO its also a good way to get busted. One wrong word to the wrong person, even unintentionally, and you are screwed.

This will sound harsh but this is what I suggest.

If you're addicted to gardening indoors, then swap out your cannabis plants for some nice legal herbs and vegetables.

You certainly wouldn't be the first one to go from growing weed to basil, tomatoes, peppers and the like. Not only will those things do AWESOME in a typical cannabis setup, you could actually enjoy them yourself, give them openly to your friends, and best of all, you wouldn't have to worry about serious life-altering legal ramifications.

If you're into the technical challenge of growing, you could try growing some exotic flowers, like orchids. Those are every bit as involved to grow as cannabis (if not harder), plus you could even sell the product (openly!) when you're done.

On the other hand, if you're serious about becoming a pro grower, then at least move your butt into a jurisdiction where growing is legal. If you're not willing to quit your current job to do the relocation, then ask yourself how badly you really want to be a "pro" (ie someone who grows for a living).

gardening weed is an addiction and you cannot replace the feeling with growing herbs and vegetables. I think all the variables involved make it the addiction it is. IE: a high, repercussions, getting paid, etc.

however I do agree with you that If OP wants to become a pro he needs to do all the above as you mentioned.

GL my friend. Ive had the same problem for 3 years now and have decided to relocate to grow. If it works out fine, and if it doesnt then I can always come back home. But at the end of the day I can say I tried becoming an pro and it worked or it didnt and be perfectly happy with the results.


Well-Known Member
I enjoy growing,in the winter its nice to see something green. Plus my apt. smells fresh, not weed scent just fresh.


Well-Known Member
I have no doubt I will smoke my final product because I made it, and no I am not growing to give out weed lol. I have 2 friends who distrubute pounds per week and they are just going to buy whatever ill sell them. And yeah I have familiar with the law, no one knows this set up exist. I actually went as far as printing out numerous articles on growing ghost peppers, and left some scattered around the house and some around my grow area. I had a party yesterday and a couple people got curious and I noticed they picked up the literature, got bored and wondered away without me having to intervene lol. And one day I might move to a legal area to grow if it takes off and I see it being worth me moving. Other than that I have little risk of the law, the people who I am going to sell to dont know im growing it myself, and I will never handle it directly once its cured. But once again neither here nor there. Prob about to go clean up my grow area little bit


Well-Known Member
in all honesty growing has taught me patients. i was never a patient person. always going a hundred miles an hour and in the beginning i couldnt take my eyes off of them. now i wake up and check them once a day. smoke a bowl with them and just relax.


Well-Known Member
yeah u will learn to go with the flow. i used to check them like three times a day when i first started growing now its once a day. u will learn when its time to water too just by the weight of ur pots. feel them when u first fill them before u flush them and thats ur base weight when its dry. after u water it u will feel the dif. its heavy. once it starts lightening up and taking less effort to lift give em some food. u will pick it up. lol. where u from man? im in dego.