Growing laws in Canada


Well-Known Member
does anyone know about growing laws in Canada? I live there and am wondering what the laws are like here as apposed to U.S.? Thanks:joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
  • growing from 1-3 plants: summary conviction (criminal) offence with maximum penalty of $5000 fine, 12 months in jail, or both; (NOTE: the House of Commons committee that reviewed Bill C-38 amended this provision so that producing up to three plants would be punishable only by a fine ($500 for adults, $250 for young persons)).
  • growing 4-25 plants: summary conviction or indictable offence (depending on what the Crown attorney decides) with maximum penalty of $25000 fine, 18 months, or both (if tried by summary conviction) and five years less a day (if tried on indictment);
  • 26-50 plants: up to 10 years prison
  • more than 50 plants, up to 14 years prison.
More info at this web site:

north strong & free

Active Member
These laws are on the books just to appease the neighbours to the the south kiss-ass It has been estimated that there are approximately 50,000 grow operations in the
Vancouver area alone. The gov't here is still mixed up with what to do with this issue, with very few cases going before the courts. The last eight years they have been dealing with a threatening, bullying, right wing U.S. government influencing the sovereign country of Canada trying to make their ideals ours.


Well-Known Member
That's the only reason why they are there, but they aren't enforced to much. The cops here are pretty liberal about it and think it's a waste of time.

B.C. has it the best. Hopefully soon the rest of Canada will follow suit.

Harper is trying to screw the smokers over though.


New Member
dood i know was in a 20 lighter didnt even get a fine took the plants took the lights and gave him a card


Well-Known Member
I always thought it wasn't that

I live in the neighboring province to B.C. weird how are laws are even tighter than yours seeing as most of our shit comes from over there...:joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
I saw the movie Canadian Bacon. That is my perception of Canadian police. I know its probably misguided.


Well-Known Member
Not sure who it was, but I remember someone on here saying they knew someone who got caught with 60 lb. dry and another 50 plants or so going, said he got 6 months house arrest (probation too i would assume) and a 30,000$ fine. I thought that was pretty lenient considering how much you could sell 60lb for.

north strong & free

Active Member
Prime Minister Harper is about to lose his job! It's because he tried to screw over the cannabis lovers here and make stricter laws. Underground smokers in all levels of the government have fought back and squashed him :clap:


Well-Known Member
Prime Minister Harper is about to lose his job! It's because he tried to screw over the cannabis lovers here and make stricter laws. Underground smokers in all levels of the government have fought back and squashed him :clap:
Your kidding right? is that the real reason Harper is going to lose his job?:weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
wish it was more lax here in ontario. they busting grow ops left right and center its rediculus to see they are ontop of the weed busts but not the murders and real crimes......