growing marijuana on the moon


Active Member
There actually is gravity on the moon guys.. It is not the same as on earth, but there is gravity there. As to growing on the moon, don't forget that it doesn't rotate so you will have to create your own light cycle. You will also have to do something about temperature as well and being that there is no atmosphere on the moon to protect against solar radiation, you may have an issue with sustainable growth. Also, you will need to either bring a shit load of soil or other medium as there is nothing suitable that we know about on the moon to use as your grow medium.

How about you just get EXTREMELY STONED and go to the Planitarium?? Or do what I do.... Get extremely stoned, drive out to the desert and bring my telescope with me.. It isn't growing on the moon but makes me feel spacey anyways!!
just like going to the moon...growing on the moon sounds fun, but is really pointless in the end...

sorry for being a downer, but i'm dry


New Member
Don't worry... with Obama.... we aren't going to the Moon.

Attention all innovators and new technologies.... the Moon has been canceled, due to lack of imagination in D.C. :wink:


New Member
he kick started the Program... they even launched a few Ares rockets near me.... it was HAPPENING!!!!

We were ON OUR WAY to a bright CLEAN future of energy INDEPENDENCE .... until welfare Obama showed up.


New Member
Since the space medium is new to man visually, i am not surprised at UFO sightings.... now ask how many think they are aliens.. :wink:


Well-Known Member
May have killed space travel but at least he totally lives up to his name



Well-Known Member
May have killed space travel but at least he totally lives up to his name

well we elected gore and the government said nope, were putting bush in charge. so things might not be so fucked up if gore had been in charge.


New Member
Simply watching the global warming scheme cooked up by Gore and ilk is enough to know that the country averted that disaster of a person.

The sad fact is there hasn't been a real political leader in this country since Reagan.


Well-Known Member
Simply watching the global warming scheme cooked up by Gore and ilk is enough to know that the country averted that disaster of a person.

The sad fact is there hasn't been a real political leader in this country since Reagan.
aw man, you killed my thread with your knowledge.