Growing Medium Question...


Hey guys, I've decided recently that I will be growing in 5 gallon pots this year, (indoors). and I just had an epiphany, and thought to myself, what If I grew in my crawlspace? It has somewhat matted down soil, plenty of rocks, minimal bugs, and it has semi-good airflow, what are your ideas on this? I might chew on this idea a little more as it can save me a lot valuable space, and growing area... another thought is maybe i can dig out a fairly large hole, put gravel at the bottom, and fill the rest up with potting soil.

any criticism, constructive or not, is allowed... plz and thx
I assume you are talking about a pier and beam home?

Don't do it. Too many fluctuations in temperature and humidity, and there are a lot more bugs down there than you can probably see. Plus, how much height would you have? Typically there is only about 2-3 feet available. That is not enough.

I don't like to smash people's dreams but I do not think it would work out very well. Hope you get things figured out!


Active Member
I wouldn't do that. Bugs suck lol. You don't want any bugs in your grow. Just a few can multiply into thousands. Not recommended


bugs arent a big factor, I have my crawlspace sprayed for termites in the spring every other year, and I frequently use roundup around the borders of my home, I am 6' 4" and there is enough space I can squat on both feet (about 4 ft)
I suppose it could be done, but what do you have in mind to take care of your temperature issue? Also, if you vegged to 1 foot, and your plants grew to 3 foot, they are going to be touching your hood and getting burned. I see more issues than I do benefits, so I would stay indoors my friend. Just my 2 cents ;)


Active Member
its not termites im worried about. it's spider mites. people get them on indoor grows. that's a big risk, spider mites are very destructive


Well-Known Member
gejus what a bunch of buzkills. Where is your spirit of adventure? I say don;t let anything but fear and common sense stop you. Go fer it. What could go wrong??