Growing Mushrooms via a casing pics

the pf style jars with brown rice flower is the only substrate you do need a pressure cooker for... you don't need one for bulk substrates but you will need spawn...which needs a pressure cooker,

and even with pf tec pressure cooker is recomended... and it needs to be able to get to 15 psi...cost about 130-200$ for a small AllAmerican metal seal PC
Spores are usually 50 bucks for 4 syringes. Jars 2 bucks a piece. grain 20 bucks for 10 pounds. Preasure cooker 50 bucks on ebay. Coco coir and vermiculite costs a total of 15 bucks
i got a used one on ebay doesnt need to be fancy. Its old and cost 50 bucks total. Used it many many times. the pressure cooking is for sterility and so the organic rye grain can puff up with moisture throughout.
Im gonna read up on this...Def. gonna try it though. I can't grow for a while after this scrog, so this will keep me going till my next grow!
yea man there are many methods that are very affective. I like the grain technique cause everywhere i read grain is recommended if you decide to make casings over other substrate. I also see very fast mycelium growth. I do what i know no need to change with my results
Hmmmm... How much do you yield about from a bin... I did the Fanaticus way with upside down jars... got about 1/4 pound over 60days... I never did the casing method... I'll try it though.. Also I was wondering if you have any experience with cyanesence?? using alder wood..... info would be great, I have books but I don't get the feel for it...

Hey man thanks for stopping by. I have not used the alder wood technique. When you say you got a qp is that wet wait and from how many jars. And what size jars
no, my weight is dry weight.. I always list dry weight bud/roomies... Ummm I did ten 500ml jars per batch.. And probably contaminated 1or2 in the process, so this is from 8or 9 avg.... but this summer cyanescece..

I use 1 quart jars which are 946 milliliters. I turn each one into there own casing. From each casing i will get about 2-3 ounces dried after i am done flushing. So if i make 5 jars i can get around a 10-15 ounces dried
I use 1 quart jars which are 946 milliliters. I turn each one into there own casing. From each casing i will get about 2-3 ounces dried after i am done flushing. So if i make 5 jars i can get around a 10-15 ounces dried

Okay... how many ml do you squirt in each jar when you inoculate (from the spore syringe)...? and what strain are you doing?

i use golden teachers. Simple strain but still potent and hearty. I use anywhere from 2-3 ml of syringe for each jar. Just squirt it in through the top of the jar and put a wort bandaid over the hole. Then shake to mix. i feel as though the grain easily prevents over saturation because its very absorbent. So 3 ml isnt bad. I also get alot of growth fast. I find it allows many more areas of growth to develop. My jars finish from start in about 10-14 days. I used to make liquid mycelium cultures using honey and water. I would add 2 ml of spore liquid into a pressure cooked mix of water and honey after it cooled. After about 2 days you can see mycelium floating and growing in the fluid. After about a week you should have a very white and stringy growth going. You can store this liquid in you frig for about 6 months. What this does is it gives you the ability to make as many syringes from the liquid culture mycelium. Its like using a spore syringe but a 1000 times better. With using 2 ml of spores to make a culture you can theoretically make hundred of hundred of syringes without spending any more then 2ml of spores costs. Get what i mean man
Scccchhhhweeeet deal yo... here the fuck were you when I was funkin' shit up...? Hehehe I will try ur method! thanks pardner here's some rep!

heres pics of my golden teachers. these are updates from the one casing i posted in the beginning of the journal.


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