Growing Mushrooms


Well-Known Member
Sooo im interested in growing some mushrooms, my brother in law said he would help pay for some of WHY NOT.

What i would like from you guys is.
1. Can someone provide a link or somthing explaining the whole mushroom cultivation process?
2. Name or link, to a site that sells spores, and grow kits.

Thanks you guys.


Active Member
go to everything you want to know about mushromm cultivation. way better than just ordering some kit, its aslo a forum like rollitup you can ask tons of questions.


Well-Known Member and are the best places to learn everything you will need to know, good luck


Well-Known Member
U shod check about your local species if your location permits it, but dont eat any mushies if u dont know which species they are. !!!!!!!

Sometime they might only come in parts of the year but that will allow you to collect LOTS AND LOTS if u want!!! YUM!!!

Take them in a paper bage and leave for about 12 hours, by then millions (seriously millions) of spores will be in the bagge. Think of your bagge like a magic mushie crop seed, and plant in a a dark (but not pitch black), place with high humidity say under sum wet hay or sumthing in a cardboard box.

This will allow u to grow your local species all year round and when they come back again next year u just repeat.


Active Member
Yeah shroomery rocks! Also youtube. search "lets grow mushrooms" it's a great vid. I'm growing right now. All I can say is keep your shit clean and warm and you'll do fine.