Health problems from the use of legal substances, particularly alcohol and tobacco, are greater than health problems from cocaine use. Occasional cocaine use does not typically lead to severe or even minor physical or social problems
Links to studies that prove this:
look at ppl that do that shit they have nothing and most are straight up crackheads.
Many of the most successful people I know use cocaine occasionally. Sorry "your people" cant handle a drug that is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco.
ya the worst thing about coke is that its illegal, not cuz it rips through entire communities like a plague, not cuz millions die at the hands of the drug cartels to manufacture and distribute this, not cuz some dude will suck your dick just get his hands on a rock. Damn the man for once again making an otherwise harmless plant look evil. Dumbass.
first millions dont die.
Second those that do die by cartels, die as a result of prohibition, which creates cartels. See Al capone.
Third cocaine hcl and rock are not the same.
Fourth the plant has been used for centuries.
wow really look mj really is a gate way drug
this statement is pure ignorance.
ur aclown y would u b on here trying to make this site hotter then it is
Posting stuff that is already available all over the internet will not make this site hotter. I guess you missed the meth thread and the crack recipes thread.
many hypocrites around. Cocaine is less addictive than must drugs prescribed for ADD.
You guys should do some research befor you let you tv's and the DARE programs form your opinions.
70% of all drug overdoses are caused by inconsistency in purity. they would be prevented if cocaine was legal and properly labeled.
Alcohol is a much more devestaing drug.
so many people so quick to pass judgemnet.
even the president of Bolivia chews coca leaves.
Anybody that uses tobacco or alcohol and made a negative reply about cocaine is a
huge hypocrite.
If you don't have something constructive to add to the thread, go pass judgement with the folks at the DARE web site.