Room Specs:
5 CFL’s Toshiba 6500K (daylight) 30 Watt Per light (true wattage not the incandescent value) (For veg period)
5 CFL’s Toshiba 2700K (warm white) 30 Watt per light to replace the 6500K lights when I change to flowering period.
+ 1 extra light if I can get away with the temperature.
1 Panasonic air intake fan
1 Panasonic air exhaust fan (same as the intake just turned the opposite way round)
{Air System Specs}
ความถี่ (เฮิรตซ์
50 (ดูดออก
This is the power of the exhaust i think
กำลังไฟฟ้า (วัตต์
8.1 this is the wattage
รอบ / นาที 1,463 this is the rotation speed
ปริมาตรลม ลบ.ม./ชม.(ลบ.ฟุต/นาที
210(124) (This i think is the refresh rate)
ระดับเสียง (เดซิเบล
This is the noise level
น้ำหนัก (กก.) 0.9 this is the weight
This is the link to the fans that i got set up:
please note i got one of these is blowing air in and the other is sucking it out. I just got erm turned in different directions. Should one be more powerful than the other?
1 Digital timer
Room Dimensions:
Height 28inch
Width 28inch
Depth 20inch
Seed verities:
White Dwarf (Feminised) - Buddha Seeds
Short Rider (Feminised) - Nirvana
AK-48 (regular) - Nirvana
Automatic (Feminised) - Big Buddha
I still need to find two types of odor control, I thinking Carbon scrubber and some other type of odor remover. The reason I want two different types is in case the scrubber breaks down or there is a power cut (it does happen from time to time here) the odor will still be controlled. Hope that makes sense.
I also need to buy a small fan that I will place inside the room and another fan outside the room that I’m gunna point to the direction of the Air intake fan. Hopefully this will cool the room down some more.
I still can’t find a place that sells thermometers here so I can run any test as yet. But hope to get that resolved soon.
Gunna order online for a ph testing kit (digital). And the correctors.
Also gunna get a fire extinguisher – better to have to hand just in case.
I am going to try and find some where I can get the reflective material from as I think the one I have in place now is not that good. I Want to find Mylar, if poss.
Ok that’s about enough info I can think of right now, if anything’s unclear or you got any question please ask.
(Been doing a lot of reading over the last few days and most of my setup design was inspired by the book BUDS for less -See More Buds).
I’m still deciding on building another room only for flowing, will keep you posted.
Cheers guys.