Growing on conservation land?


Active Member
My property backs up to conservation property but it is only declared conservation land to keep people from building on it. It is not patrolled by any conservation department. Is this too risky to grow on?


Well-Known Member
Well thats a good question... Risky? Probably not too much. In high times they had an article about growing outdoors and some of the security issues. Chances are no one will find it, granted its not directly next to some trail. Its a plant, there is little that would look out of place in the woods except the styrofoam cups, trash bags, nutrients people would need with it, this is how a lot of large scale outdoor grows are spotted. Most people don't spend hours drooling over beautiful cannabis picures. Unless they were right on top of it I would doubt most would even know it if they saw it from a distance. A few plants out in the woods probably wouldn't be spotted even if the helicopters flew right over. The people in them aren't robocop with perfect eyes. They look for shit that LOOKS out of place, from the air, bright green plants would look out of place amongst a bunch of brownish corn. A large square patch of evenly placed plants would look out of place even in the woods. When you go out to tend your crop carry natural woods type things, a book of ferns, a pair of binoculars and a bird book or something. Hell maybe go in cammo with a paintball gun and the right gear. If anything happens tell them you and your buddy were just fucking around in the woods or something, I used to really do that myself. Find a spot that has some nasty thorns around it, very subtely use nature to discourage people's curiosity to venture off the trail. Make it appear it wouldn't be worth their time to find out what is in the woods. Be smart, stay alert and you'll be just fine bro.


Active Member
yeah, its like thirty acres and the only people who walk it live in the neighborhood, and they use it very little. I just wondered if 4-5 strategically placed 4-5 plants spread out quite a bit would attract attention from the sky.


Well-Known Member
What is the population density of this area?

Could this area be most described as;

- an open lot at the end of an uncompleted subdivision
- next to some farm by some abandoned schoolhouse out in the middle of nowhere
- next to some greasy pit-stop gas station or RR track
- quail hunter's paradise

Is there a possibility that neighboring kids could use the entire lot as recreation? Is it possible some old lady who lives near-by would have visiting grand nephews investigating the entire lot for fun?

Bike Trails? The cited Paint Ball... During certain age periods kid's gravitate towards nature.

You'll require exclusivity of the area for quite awhile. Months....

What are we working with? Do you have any money? Are you American Indian - you cited conservation? What are your thoughts on booby traps, Night Vision, etc.?


Well-Known Member
I've never done it myself but I can assume it wouldn't. Check out Barry Cooper's "Never get raided". He's a reformed drug cop who show the tactics police use to find fields. People sometimes take clones with them and carelessly leave the cups behind. A white cup in a green forest will draw the eye. You have countless plants in the woods, try to make it seem as natural as possible. You tell me dude, how often do you hear choppers cruising over your house? Busts ususally include acres and acres of weed. If you seperate them its like only having one plant. If one should get found (god forbid) that doesn't even necessarily mean the other's will. The only thing is you might wanna water it if it doesn't rain for 10 days or so, other than that you can let mother nature do her thing. Try to take a different route to the spot each time. One dead giveaway is a trail, people tend to wanna follow a trail, even just for fun. Plus trails are also seen from the air. Dude, helicopters are VERY expensive to operate and maintain. They use them to look for missing kids and murders. LEO's would wanna have you believe they like to just fly countless hours over acres and acres of forests just so they could find a single plant, PROBABLY not going to happen. It's literally like finding a needle in a haystack. Finding a handful of nails on the other hand would be a lot easier, and most of the busts are like this, fields of the stuff. I would mostly worry about other people wandering onto it or someone jacking your crop. Helicopters man, its probably mostly paranoia.


Well-Known Member
Dude, that sounds totally badass. I'd love to have a set up like that. Naw, don't use booby traps, that's just asking for trouble. Now if by booby traps you mean some natural thornbushes than by all means. No hiker I know would be determined enough to storm blindy through a thornpatch to see what was inside, maybe some stoners though, haha. If you have the equipment to have a webcam, then you should be able to make a remote watering mechanism. Fill up an emergency resovoir and if you are in a drought, fire that baby up. I don't know about adding nutrients and all that, but I'm sure where there's a will there's a way. Happy hunting!


Active Member
I am the oldest kid in my neighborhood and the people who walk the trail are not looking for bud and generally dont stray from the path.The trail only runs about a mile long and has plenty of areas that can't be seen from the trail with in the conservation area. The only catch is, one of the residents works for the FBI and he happens to help maintain the trail. But like i said there are places way off of the beaten path. My main concern is helicopters and planes, because i dont know how often or why they may be flying over. I am convinced that my spots are pretty good.


Well-Known Member
Now you interject an FBI Agent maintaining the park.

You know, sometimes people will go into the woods just to look around. They'll look for caterpillars or weird mushrooms... People have all sorts of hobbies. There really are bird watchers. Have you ever noticed they usually find the dead bodies out in the woods?

I don't think you'll have to worry about the Helicopters. The FBI guy will Google Earth the area. He has probably profiled everyone in the neighborhood for kicks.


Active Member
Yeah im sure he has but there are only like 10 houses in our neighborhood and there are no kids who are of age to be running around in the middle of the woods. My spots are well off of the beaten path and the trail sees very little traffic. There are no motorized vehicles allowed, and the only kind of work that anyone does on the trail is redo the woodchips when needed


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking you wouldn't have much to lose, maybe be out a couple seeds. You throw some clones in the ground and check on them every now and then. Its a little sketchy that you have a fed in your neighborhood. Hey, I guess its better than a DEA agent, haha. You know the area better than any of us. Personally, I'd probably go for it. Do you know said FBI agent, if so then you'd probably be better off. Keep it low key tho dude, spread them out and shit. I doubt they'll send the helicopters in for a single plant, like I said a lot of times its the equipment that people leave by their site that gets them spotted. From what I hear the marijuana plants closely resembles the tomato plant. I heard a story of a guy hanging red christmas bulbs on his plants to throw people off, I think it was in his garden though.


Well-Known Member

Go for it. Mentally divide the property up into 4 quadrants and plant a tree in each quadrant.

We can never be 100% sure... it's the nature of the game.

Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
Get a dog, theres a reason to go to the park every day-join the conservation volunteers. Anyway, they are plants in the woods, it would be hard to pin them on you.See my Avatar? 4 plants along the back hedge, we had cookouts, family get togethers etc-Not one person noticed them. It's like the chap said earlier, they just aren't looking and so they don't see.


Active Member
well lucky for me i already have two plants growing inside, however i dont know what sex they are yet. But the good thing is my parents know that I love hiking and just snooping around out in the woods so me going for a walk on the trail is nothing new to them. Im pretty excited, i just wanted to hear some other opinions because i am new at this and I would hate to get busted because I didn't think the whole thing through. By the the way, do the plants have to be in direct sunlight? Im not planning on planting them under a cedar tree but i also dont want to plant any out in the open.


Well-Known Member
I have actually seen a raid happen in person. My dad's friend is a detective and we were at his house for a cook out one time. We saw a plane fly over, didn't think much of it, neither did he. He lived with his backyard facing a cornfield. About an hour or so later this chopper came in and landed at this farmhouse. So this detective a good 7 beers down grabbed his can and jumped in his cruiser. He threw his open beer in his cupholder and tore off at like 130 with his lights on. He was laughing about how fast his car went and shit. He pulled up next to the guys in swat gear, casually drinking his beer in front of them. They filled him in on all the gory details, chuckling amongst themselves. The guy who owned the land got a lot of fuckign shit I'm sure. But there is a good chance it wasn't even his. Some guys come out in the middle of the night and plant a few. Moral of the story, cops are fucked up and don't grow in cornfields. Any experienced guy will tell you that cornfields are a BAD idea, the plants don't blend in for shit. A bunch of brown corn will make a weed plant stick out like a sore thumb. I don't see how they could pin or two plants on you unless they catch you in the middle of watering them, which is probably pretty unlikely. Like the other guy said, most people unless they're looking probably wouldn't notice. Weed is a natural plant that is found in the woods, not much that looks out of place. Its not exactly a merry go round with flashing lights. The worst that could happen is your shit would either get confiscated or ripped off, but thats the risk any of us take.


Active Member
Thats pretty funny, yeah im not gonna lie, I do have a lot to loose if i were to be found in possession of a plant. Thats what is so frustrating about it. Alls i want to do is avoid the hassle of calling someone who has to call another person who has to call another person just to get bud that is generally just dirt weed. However if I were to get busted for something like that, that story wouldnt hold up. The bottom line is, if i loved tomatoes, id grow tomatoes. Unfortunately if someone knows im growing weed they dont assume that i love it. They assume that im selling to preschoolers in some back alley. Which im not, obviously.


Well-Known Member
As I sit here smoking a cigarette I think about all the legal addictive things out there. They say nicotine is more addictive than heroin, I've never done that junk so I couldn't say. I just moved to a new apt. and all my old connects are back home. I'm going on my 4th week of being weed free, not by choice mind you, haha. Weed is not addictive, its not harmful. If tomorrow they made a law banning tomoatoes best believe they would have an army of young ambitious people willing to fly around in choppers ready to confiscate every last fucking one. Fox news would have to back it up with some yellow journalism of course, Bill O'Riley would be there too ready to be an ass and somehow tie it to 9/11 and the "terrorists". Its a fucking joke man, really. Everyone lives and one day, well we all know what'll happen. Enjoy you're motherfucking life, smoke some good weed with your friends. I can go to sleep with a clear conscience knowing I live a good life. Sell weed or don't, its up to you. If you do though you will not have to worry about some pill junkies blowing up your phone at 3 literally dying to get their fix. Yea, its a bummer my pipes are dry but I know it hopefully won't stay that way. Weed is somewhere in the middle between beer and cofee. Dude, I love weed too. Every friday after class I had a spot in the woods near campus where I would go for my sacrament. Hearing the birds chirping, watching the leaves change color, I felt right, I felt at peace. I would go to reflect upon the week, where my life was headed. Without the distraction of dorms full of people sharing every single facility. I cherished the time when I would go for solitude and quiet meditation. Now that is a little different from snorting lines off a toliet urinal at some dirty bar.


Active Member
I feel you there man. Everybody says that marijuana is a gateway drug, which i find invalid. At my old high school 4 freshmen overdosed on meth one day. Do you really think that marijuana was the cause of that. What would the world be without addicts and junkies. But the fact is that... fuck i cant remember what i was saying (my pipe is not dry, unlike yours is Frebreezeit). But seriously calling marijuana a gateway drug is kinda like saying, "Well, if you take advil, youll probably wanna take a hydrocodone.


Well-Known Member
Man, I wish I could spark one up with ya, haha. I just moved to a new town so I need to get off my ass and find some cool parties. Its a cool town and people are pretty cool when it comes to weed. 83% of people that smoke pot will never go on to do harder drugs. Is cannabis a gateway drug? Well if it is then so is cigarettes and so is alcohol. Personally I don't use the word "marijuana" myself. Its a slang mexican word that the government coined up when they tried first to scare the public. In legalese it is actually spelled Marihuana no "j". Correct me if I'm way off track but it is a congegation of "mari" for mary I believe and "juana" juan as in boy. As we all know the CANNABIS plant can be either male or female. Haha, they say "this isn't the same weed from the sixties..." This is some DANGEROUS shit now. That maybe true, and frankly I'm fucking saddened thq5 Purple Haze isn't around anymore. What about Maui Wowie or Panama Red?