Growing outdoora in the winter?


Active Member
Alright so i had ten plants a few months ago and all off them got I still want alot of weed. And the season is too late to start now. Unless I can creat a green house in the middle a forest (yes im aware this is a stupid idea..) so has anyone ever herd of anyone atempting this? lol or is there a strain that could live through the winter...but i geuss that would be inpossiblebecause the frost would kill it...


Well-Known Member
Naw man there's not enough light in winter, and your plants would freeze. Why not just grow indoors if its possible.


Well-Known Member
u were talking bout building a green house,,,,,but a wooden shed with sum good vent wouldnt bee much harder i dont reckon,,,,,and do a massive indoor grow in there and itll pay for itself or get a green house and grow striclty auofloering strains