Marijuana is medicine that heels your soul and body..drugs you buy in pharmacy...or at gates
C'mon, man... you're rationalizing. A drug is a drug is a drug.
As for the topic of the thread, I don't see what the big deal is. If it weren't for people who grow as a business, there'd be a hell of a lot of people who would never have any dope at all. Not everyone can grow their own, and not everyone knows people who give dope away for free. If you consider marijuana to be of value, then people who grow it to sell are providing a valuable service.
Hell, it's the main reason I grow it. I smoke very little weed, and very rarely. I won't go into the details, but I have some health issues that make smoking or otherwise ingesting marijuana (or any other drug, for that matter) quite unpleasant in ways that just about balance out any pleasure I get from being high. Has to do with my metabolism, but that's about all I want to say about that. But anyway, I have people lining up to buy my weed. I charge an extremely reasonable price, and they're very happy to pay it. I make a nice little profit, and I have a blast doing it, because I absolutely love everything about growing weed. Everybody's happy, so what's the big deal?