Growing Outdoors For $


Well-Known Member
Damn ...its makes me sad that theres people out ther that spend 3 or 4 months out there growing... and dont even enjoy it....if you dont smoke atleast try it after harvest to see whatyour selling people...


Well-Known Member
Damn ...its makes me sad that theres people out ther that spend 3 or 4 months out there growing... and dont even enjoy it....if you dont smoke atleast try it after harvest to see whatyour selling people...

that's the part that gets me as well. at least be a "casual" smoker. some just flat out DON'T smoke. why would anyone NOT smoke pot? other than age of course. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
that's the part that gets me as well. at least be a "casual" smoker. some just flat out DON'T smoke. why would anyone NOT smoke pot? other than age of course. :blsmoke:
totally agree here............

and all for personal use.......


Well-Known Member
Not everyone is wired for pot. Some people flat out do not enjoy it, and infact dislike the way it makes them feel altogether. I have friends like this. Some love alsohol but won't puff on a joint to save their mother. Another is a perscription pill guy. Not pain killers, but the mood stabilizers- he also does not like smoking pot.


Well-Known Member
Not everyone is wired for pot. Some people flat out do not enjoy it, and infact dislike the way it makes them feel altogether. I have friends like this. Some love alsohol but won't puff on a joint to save their mother. Another is a perscription pill guy. Not pain killers, but the mood stabilizers- he also does not like smoking pot.

and are they growing????????? it's the people that grow pot, and will not smoke it that i don't understand........ it's being greedy, doing it strictly for the money.


Well-Known Member
The pill guy has grown pot before. I did smoke his own pot at least once though. He just pulled a few ounces out of his closet here and there when he was living at his old place.


Active Member
I don't grow to smoke or sell, I think of it as a hobby. Some people like playing basketball, I like to grow.
That's fine, growing a pot as a hobby, but why risk going to prison when you wont even use the "drug?" Unless you live in Canada... For you, it would be safer, i suggest, growing different plants.


New Member
I've always wondered, why do people grow to sell?
to make money? Why was that question hard to figure out for you?

I grow for personal use. Ive only sold some of a harvest 1 time because my car broke down and I had to have a way to work so I could pay my bills.
It killed me to even part with the weed:evil: But I must say, I could name any price that I wanted for it around here, and I did.


Active Member
i started off growing so that i could save some money, yet still get good buds. depending on my yeild ill sell a couple ounces to my friends and what not, but mostly lookin for personal use. in regards to growing as a hobby, i know what your sayin. ive come to enjoy growing alot. its cool to see what your own hard work can do, considering you know that itll pay off in the end. as for not smoking and just growing to sell...i guess thats whoever's deal, but they are missing out. 3-4 months of hard work just to slap a price tag on it and send it away seems insane but again, i guess thats their problem...


Well-Known Member
Im to glad to see others agree with me. Doesnt make sense to grow if your not smoking your buds. For those that grow only as a hobby, why not just have a garden with fruits and veges you'll actually enjoy without the risk of jail? And those that grow only to sell, why cant you get a real job? Or is it just extra money since flippn burgers dont pay shit?


Active Member
Im to glad to see others agree with me. Doesnt make sense to grow if your not smoking your buds. For those that grow only as a hobby, why not just have a garden with fruits and veges you'll actually enjoy without the risk of jail? And those that grow only to sell, why cant you get a real job? Or is it just extra money since flippn burgers dont pay shit?
I concure...Exactly what i was thinking:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i would never sell a bowl of what i grow , after its cured i plan to just lock my door and toke it up solo and enjoy the fruits of my labor not to mention theres been a pain in my ass every since i started growing them so it will be good to get that out and rehabilitate smoking my shit by myself

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
Marijuana is medicine that heels your soul and body..drugs you buy in pharmacy...or at gates
C'mon, man... you're rationalizing. A drug is a drug is a drug.

As for the topic of the thread, I don't see what the big deal is. If it weren't for people who grow as a business, there'd be a hell of a lot of people who would never have any dope at all. Not everyone can grow their own, and not everyone knows people who give dope away for free. If you consider marijuana to be of value, then people who grow it to sell are providing a valuable service.

Hell, it's the main reason I grow it. I smoke very little weed, and very rarely. I won't go into the details, but I have some health issues that make smoking or otherwise ingesting marijuana (or any other drug, for that matter) quite unpleasant in ways that just about balance out any pleasure I get from being high. Has to do with my metabolism, but that's about all I want to say about that. But anyway, I have people lining up to buy my weed. I charge an extremely reasonable price, and they're very happy to pay it. I make a nice little profit, and I have a blast doing it, because I absolutely love everything about growing weed. Everybody's happy, so what's the big deal?