Growing outdoors in california harvest april?!

Whens the right rime to put of plants into greenhouses when trying to have them flower in march-april? I live in a relitively warm area in california and just want to harvest in spring. How is it done? Cant find anything related to it on the forums. cool thx k cya lol
Would i have to start it indoors to flower for 3 or 4 weeks then throw it outside arouns march untill april 20-29th the cut and harvest?
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Well-Known Member
Its all over, search light deprevation . As soon as you sure you won't freeze. March to mid March at the latest and the sun is back to decent is best.Theres a bunch of members here who are all ready staged and just
Waiting to get out.
I see members who are not covering there plants greenhouse doublejj for example. Yet another grower is covering it in the morning. Putting them out for the full 8 to 9 weeks wont get them to bud and harvest WITHOUT putting a cover over them ?


Well-Known Member
I see members who are not covering there plants greenhouse doublejj for example. Yet another grower is covering it in the morning. Putting them out for the full 8 to 9 weeks wont get them to bud and harvest WITHOUT putting a cover over them ?
I don't cover as long as your done by mid may. After that you can run into problems or you have to cover. Imho


Well-Known Member
Vegg inside as big as you can and up pot and put them outside
Start seeds now, or get clones (better)!
Grow indoors under 24/0 to get them as big as possible.
I put mine in the greenhouse March 1st for a May harvest. I take cuttings from the plants before I put them out on March 1st just in case there's something special with one of the plants I put out for the spring harvest. If I find something special, I have a clone ready of that strain to go for my summer/fall run.


Well-Known Member
Start seeds now, or get clones (better)!
Grow indoors under 24/0 to get them as big as possible.
I put mine in the greenhouse March 1st for a May harvest. I take cuttings from the plants before I put them out on March 1st just in case there's something special with one of the plants I put out for the spring harvest. If I find something special, I have a clone ready of that strain to go for my summer/fall run.
Why do you say clones are better? Guaranteed females/genetics?
I've always read that seeds grow 25% faster and will produce bigger harvest..?

Edit--I was actually thinking seeds for the full season when I originally posted this as opposed to light dep
