Growing outdoors in summer season?


Well-Known Member
Anyone tried growing outdoors in summer season? does the summer heat has a great impact to the plants?

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
depends were yur at and what strain you have. you can find strains to fit your needs. some do better than others in high heat or humidity


Well-Known Member
How about some northern lights strain? btw iam ni asia right now and its already summer season here.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Durban Poison would prolly be good . A northern lights strain would prolly be ok as long as you dont have high humidity.

I just thought of one if you want a NL cross...Dr Atomic Thai Lights would prolly be good for yur area


ryavila, i would still plant them even if its summer, the plants will have more bud to leaf ratio the later you start them. (considering the strain 2 of course) The plants i put out in the summer always have a better taste and high, but not as much bud....


The sativa strains usually have airy buds so are better in high humidity. They typically take longer to mature though. Outdoors will produce much more than indoors. I am not sure what growUS means by not as much bud. I can average a pound of buds per plant with minimal effort.


I mean a plant started In March is going to produce more bud (like you said a pound) than one started in say May or June (probably a couple of ounces depending on genetics). But the one's started later in the year will have more bud to leaf ratio compared to the ones started in march. (my growing season is over Oct. or Nov.)