Growing outdoors with native soil...a few questions


Active Member
I can't afford to buy soil because I am on a limited budget as is. If I could I would. Anyways... I am only growing for myself. I want enough to last me for awhile. I have grown indoors successfully (now on my 2nd plant! flowering - looks beautiful except for light burns - had to leave it alone for a few days...).

So with that being said; I have lots of seeds, came from last year outdoor - friend gave me a bunch of weed he picked out of a field. The weed did not really get you high and it was full of seeds - atleast 100 or 200 in ONEEEEEEEEEE bud.

So my first question is...was this WEED or HEMP? If I plant these seeds and remove males will I have smoke able bud?

My second question is soil;

I can't afford potting soil. I doubt I can make my own in time for the growing season (about to start where I am). My original plan was to dig up a few holes and throw in a bunch of seeds - come back kill males.

I am growing in a wooded area. Will this be enough for weed to grow? I have ferts/nutes from my indoor growing so they will be getting that...

All help is appreciated.

edit: I also have x4 super lemon haze, x3 ak 47s, x3 wonder gun? and x3 random kush seeds that where given to me by a friend.


Well-Known Member
yes if you take out the males you will have smokable bud and not seedy bud. i would recomend atleast buying a few bags of cheap soil to mix in with the native soil you will also have to come back atleast once a week as if you just leave them they will most likely not grow that great and not produce that much bud.


Active Member
yes if you take out the males you will have smokable bud and not seedy bud. i would recomend atleast buying a few bags of cheap soil to mix in with the native soil you will also have to come back atleast once a week as if you just leave them they will most likely not grow that great and not produce that much bud.
Alright, thanks. Yeah I figured I would have to check them quite a bit. However I might not be able to check them every week. Maybe once a month aside from when they start flowering. The place I am going to plant them has a near by water source.


Well-Known Member
I have lots of seeds, came from last year outdoor - friend gave me a bunch of weed he picked out of a field. The weed did not really get you high and it was full of seeds
if there is a landrace of ditchweed/industrial hemp growing in your area... planting ladies outdoors is a really, really, bad idea, unless your trying to get your crop pollinated by industrial grade hemp (ewwwwwwwww)

just puttin it out there... not trying to knock your plans down. just something to think about.
it might be worth your while to trackdown the landrace and make sure that your current crop gets planted a few miles upwind from it, to avoid pollination later on.


Active Member
if there is a landrace of ditchweed/industrial hemp growing in your area... planting ladies outdoors is a really, really, bad idea, unless your trying to get your crop pollinated by industrial grade hemp (ewwwwwwwww)

just puttin it out there... not trying to knock your plans down. just something to think about.
it might be worth your while to trackdown the landrace and make sure that your current crop gets planted a few miles upwind from it, to avoid pollination later on.
No this "weed" was growing outdoors next to a farm - visible from the road. No where near me. I have no idea what it is...


Active Member
ello just reading this so ill put some imput in.

that sounds like a hemp crop mate. dont plant them not less you want shit. have you got good cannabis seeds? plant them not the others. how far is this hemp crop from yours?


Active Member
ello just reading this so ill put some imput in.

that sounds like a hemp crop mate. dont plant them not less you want shit. have you got good cannabis seeds? plant them not the others. how far is this hemp crop from yours?
50 miles away....i think im good. yes I have plenty of bag seeds and high quality seeds. i want to try planting them because I have lots and lots of the seeds - any way to tell if its a hemp plant easily? I mean I can try growing a few indoors and then see.


Well-Known Member
depending on rain and junk its gonna be rough only checkin on them that often... thats my dilema... in an out o town so no go for me... u prolly wont end up with much if u dont get water to em once a week....


Active Member
that would be the best bet mate, to grow some indoors that way you got control to see what it is and if it aint hemp then happy days.... YOU got shit loads of them for next time!!. lol


Active Member
I have PLENTY of bag seeds and plenty of high quality seeds. I just have a shit load of unknown seeds. Watering once a week would not be a problem for my higher quality seeds. I just want to make sure they will grow in native soil. I assume they will since there is other vegetation growing but I want an expert opinion. I already have an indoor plant growing, my hope is that it will yield enough to keep me high until I can start harvesting outdoor buds - even prematurely because I have some many fucking seeds. Does this make sense? I want to be able to smoke whenever.


Active Member
you could plant them but you need to keep on top of it and dig the males out as soon as the start. so if you can do that then do it. i didnt ask if you had reg seeds or fem?


Active Member
with the soil cant you get like cheap bone, blood, fish meal from a discount store or somthing for npk? you can use coffee for N. kelp meal from a fishing tackle shop for trace mins erm ... n e 1 else care to add on>>


Active Member
you could plant them but you need to keep on top of it and dig the males out as soon as the start. so if you can do that then do it. i didnt ask if you had reg seeds or fem?
Regular seeds. ~12 High quality seeds not sure if they are feminized. I might be able to take some clones from my plant after I harvest. My main concern is the soil. Is there anything I can do to up the quality? I plan on raking the site, digging up the soil and putting fish line around my site to deter deer, along with dog hair and anything else I can find to keep those fuckers away.


Active Member
if you can get fems then u dont have to worry much bout going bk for males. with the soil... you could get some cheap organic compost to mix with the soil. as some 1 has said already. and if u can get like a bone, blood, fish meal all mixed in, in 1 box, you can top dress to keep the nute up for them. plus its cheap as well!! :)


Active Member
Ok I just checked the store. A 20 lb bag of soil is 1.49. Any Idea how many I should get for like 20 plants total? (Assuming half will be male...)


Active Member
what ever the area is your planning on growing in you only goin to need half the amount coz u would mix in 50 native /50 compost. dont ask me to work it out for ya coz i aint got a clue with measurements!! i would also get some perlite to make it airy aswell. maybe 30%


New Member
Folks...he already said this:

The weed did not really get you high and it was full of seeds - atleast 100 or 200 in ONEEEEEEEEEE bud.

That's hemp...or such low quality weed.... why bother with it?


Active Member
he just wants to grow it i quess to see what he gets. its all fun and games. he could make rope, clothes or what ever he likes out of it!

cjc just make sure you got loads of good bud on the go and that for fun.