Growing Outdoors with Orgonite - A must for huge yields!

Where are the chem trails anyways? I know in the USA but arethey also done in the UK, Canada???

Thanks for keeping an open mind guys. We'll see how we do with this. As I said earlier, I'm not a seasoned grower. I've never had more than a few ounces per plant outdoors so if I do get serious weight...then I know what helped me get there and so will you!
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Just to add some educational information on charging and cleansing your orgonite objects before they're placed in the gardens.

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You don't get good energy from a Ouija board Bro. I'd be staying well away from that stuff. I'm open to what's the phrase 'quantum physics', cosmic science, and other sciences that we are just starting to relearn. Let me give this a try. One dude already said it worked for him. Plus I'm interested in finding out if these devices work to improve your own energy fields and get you back to optimum health.
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Was it really good smoke? Why do you like it so much?
smooth taste great great morning or afternoon smoke.Thc content I would say is 12-15% at most so not real strong but im only guessing.just gives you a nice energetic high the first hour and then a couple hrs of feel good mellow way I can describe it.After a cure of 3 months its awesome ages well to....everyone who smoked last yrs ww loved it but this years wasn't as gd due to bugs
Hey Buckets. Good luck with your experiment. I'm the last one to put down someone else's hockus pockus, when I do my own version of it. When planting, digging holes or harvesting, I ask the blessing of the Grandfathers four times, sending the prayers skyward with a big puff of herb smoke to the Cardinal Points of the compass. Not sure if it help the plants or not, but it makes me feel better.
And for the heart thing, you need to eat green beans and stir-fry everyday. I went from 250 down to 175 in a year and a half. In June I will have kept it off for two years. What I did was cook the frozen veggies in the microwave with a dash of salt and pepper. Eat a big bowl of it before you eat your regular food. The veggies fills you up, so you eat less of the bad stuff, and over time, you stop eating the bad stuff altogether. It is worth the effort to do it.
Thanks Larry. Yeah, I actually had a heart attack while on a ladder watering my MJ plants which were up on a shed. It was a scary and emotional experience. I had to go to cardiac rehab and that means an hour of exercise followed by an hour of education. Learning how to read labels was a huge learning curve for me. No more boxes of cereal for me! This summer will be great for the exercise and I hear all of you about eating better. Congrats Larry for losing all that weight! 175 is awesome!

As I have also had testicular cancer in my past, I understand that research on chillies, cannabis oil, and turmeric all have anti cancer killing properties so they are valuable in the diet. They have been under researched because they're not synthetic.

Hey, blessing your plants, speaking to your plants, playing music for your plants, lighting candles and thinking about your plants growing well...those are all things that work in my opinion. Who am I to say that those methods don't work. I wouldn't because I believe they all show results. In this day and age of programmed minds, we need to go back to the golden age of knowledge and try to relearn it all so we're happier beings. Be less negative energy in this world if we did imo.
There you go Ruby. Very wise. The way it was explained to me was that humankind on surface earth has been through 4 ages. The best age past long ago and was called the golden age and I believe at that time the thousands of pyramids we have on the surface were running and producing great quantities of orgonite/chi energy so the frequency of humans was much higher than we are now. Humans could do amazing things back then. But we lost that and went to the silver age where some people still knew a great deal of stuff but not everybody. Then we went to the bronze age and more and more people started forgetting stuff about how to use your minds and your consciousness to make life on this planet be good and the frequency of humans continued to spiral downwards. Then we come to where we are now. Programmed minds. Not aware of the vast potential that we have. Programmed and manipulated minds. The energy is negative all over the world for the most part. This is the iron age and we are at rock bottom but the good news is that people are waking up and they're attempting to relearn knowledge once commonly known during the golden age. So if you do any of those things to make your plants grow and be happy through your thoughts, your words, wishes or music...that's all sacred botany knowledge. Good for you for using it!
Hey Buckets. Good luck with your experiment. I'm the last one to put down someone else's hockus pockus, when I do my own version of it. When planting, digging holes or harvesting, I ask the blessing of the Grandfathers four times, sending the prayers skyward with a big puff of herb smoke to the Cardinal Points of the compass. Not sure if it help the plants or not, but it makes me feel better.
That's the same ritual me and the old man have when we go fishin.
Yeah. I'm nervous about what I'll be able to do. I hike by myself too. I had no confidence at all after I got out of hospital but I slowly started walking off the property about a month afterwards. I also have my nitrolingual spray to give to myself if I feel angina pain. I am trying orgonite for health reasons first and foremost and on the side I'm hoping they'll help me grow fantastic plants. We'll see. Countin the days til they go outside!

The nazi scientist's name I went and looked up. Wilheim Reich was his name. Went to work for the US government after the war through operation paperclip and they tried to shut him down when he built an orgonite healing chamber. Why? Because sick people create thousands of industries from bandages to sugical instruments...I never realised that there was another way that big business and government looked at ill people. They don't want you to be healthy. They want you to be sick so they can make money because of your health related problems.

Our side is that we want to get better and continue to live. And of course one of the biggest enemies to the big health industries is our cannabis plant...but that is also being over run by big business as you're all well aware. But there is still hope. That's why I love to grow my own. Being out in the bush and loving every moment of it. And if you have a're truly blessed plus it's such a great environment to be in.

Another guy that had good inventions that could help humanity in a huge way was Mr. Tesla. I'm sure you guys know how his story went. The big business money mogels wanted people to pay for energy instead of getting it for free as Tesla had planned. So what did they do? The burned down his place the night after he asked investors for money. And yes, in the USA once again. Those New World Order families want us to pay for everything. Nothing should be for free if they get their way...planning for total enslavement of humanity...I know...I know...smoke a dubbe. Yeah. Time to do that I guess....

So today I put my money where my mouth is. I ordered my organite mini pyramids. Yah!
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