I dont think that applies to ireland the hottest ite gets here would be 30 degrees celcuis(wrong spelling)
I have my first grow setup in construction now up in my attic but am just curious would it work outside?
Would rain effect it as well? because it rains a fair bit here even during the summer
a strain called magic bud by paradise seeds i believe,may be wrong,also guarilla gold would work ive grown that,but look at bc outdoor strains from kindseed and they have some genetics,i found the trick is getting a resin airy bud that doesnt hold moisture,i grew island sweet skunk,it did great in a wet cold season,it never finished,but what was ready was quality.but BC has some really damp seasons,im trying an aphgan not sure of the name just aphgan dominant,a jack cleaner because reminds me of island sweet skunk in ways,and a few crosses i messed with that have early resin production.i try to find a hearty plant and smoke it at 4 weeks,if its decent it can go outside.but thats just my rule of thumb were im at,its cold and wet as well.im also trying some grapefruit crosses,they did well in rainy seasons on the west coast.but definately magic bud.as well as timewarp at kindseed or something with timewarp.i never grew auoto flowering but that might work.good luck,like you need it your irish.but what would william wallace grow find that out and your set,yes i know hes a scottsmen but im scottish/cree lol.