Growing perpetual


Is there any advantage yield wise to growing perpetual vs. just starting everything at the same time?



Well-Known Member
Yes. As in amount of harvests. Known strains are key for timing. As mentioned. Clones are the best way.


So just a larger amount of harvests...

So the yield after 3 months for example of a perpetual grow aren't any different from a grow where everything is started and finished at the same time?

Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
well the first harvest will be smaller than if you did not do perpetual. but instead of waiting another three months to harvest again you can harvest anywhere from once a week to once a month. (any time frame really those are just examples)


Well-Known Member
like they said you can set it up to harvest a certain number of plants how ever often you want depending on how many plants you want in differant stages of growth.

in my situation I harvest my whole room every two months or so. I flower for two months while my clones are growing for two months. before i throw the clones in the empty flower room I take more clones and repeat


Well-Known Member
a perpetual grow really just means you have a continuous and ongoing grow. Having plants in all stages of growth at any given time. ie. staggering yr grow cycles...having clones that are rooting, and others that are vegging, while others are flowering. Thus saving time, instead of waiting for a seedling\clone to root, then veg, and then finally flowering individually each time, you follow? so you save time which equals more bud. You just need seperate spaces for each cycle.


Well-Known Member
So just a larger amount of harvests...

So the yield after 3 months for example of a perpetual grow aren't any different from a grow where everything is started and finished at the same time?

Thanks guys.
nope. Perpetual growing is a way of growing, not a technique that increases yeild