Growing Pot is Easy


Well-Known Member
To put it bluntley your plants look bad.. And the fact that your growing in your parents house. Listen little boy you can convict your parents aand your whole family
could be involved. Use some common since you FOOL.


Well-Known Member
Looks like plenty of people have told you your plant are some ways to improve it..
you really shouldn't be growing at your parents house(for obvious reasons)
give that sucker some light! that one might be too far gone but next time get some fluorescents and get them real close to the top of the seedling(assuming you have started over)


Well-Known Member
In my opinion when people start growing at first they should do some serious research, books, lights, strains, nutes, a/c, carbon scrubbers, and everything about them.
Like driving, you should know in theory how to do it before you embark on it.
Dont start growing if youve got 1 reading lamp and some dirt you found outside in your garden, If your going to do somthing do it right, My first grow i pulled approximately 1 oz a plant from 5 white widows, with a 250 hps,
Good luck in your grow.

By the way what age are you?


Well-Known Member
half you people on here cant read
she said she was a girl and she 23
and she smokes nasty cigs

the other could not grow a plant if they tryed
i have seen many on here go crazy over crappy little seedlings
she did very well for what she was using
they are right you should not be growing in your parents house
but most here are


Active Member
half you people on here cant read
she said she was a girl and she 23
and she smokes nasty cigs

the other could not grow a plant if they tryed
i have seen many on here go crazy over crappy little seedlings
she did very well for what she was using
they are right you should not be growing in your parents house
but most here are

Thanks Weezer, I take great comfort knowing that my newports may kill me before something worse does. Trust me, if this life had gone according to plan, I'd have an attic full of plants in a house that's mine. :wall:


Active Member
In my opinion when people start growing at first they should do some serious research, books, lights, strains, nutes, a/c, carbon scrubbers, and everything about them.
Like driving, you should know in theory how to do it before you embark on it.
Dont start growing if youve got 1 reading lamp and some dirt you found outside in your garden, If your going to do somthing do it right, My first grow i pulled approximately 1 oz a plant from 5 white widows, with a 250 hps,
Good luck in your grow.

By the way what age are you?

I'm 23 years old, and I did do plenty of research before I started growing anything, as what should be done with all plants of any kind. I simply, at the moment, don't care what comes up or what this plant may or may not yield, which I do realize is a superb waste of time, but eh. Thanks to all of you folks (some slight jerks about it,) I can tell how and where I went askew from the 30 year+ weed veterans. So it was worth it taking the chance with my first thread really..


Active Member
To put it bluntley your plants look bad.. And the fact that your growing in your parents house. Listen little boy you can convict your parents aand your whole family
could be involved. Use some common since you FOOL.

*Sticks HER tongue out* :roll:

Parent, Apartment, I've got one very against anything illegal mom, who thanks to a lock I installed in my door won't be barging in again whenever she gets drunk and her huge black dude of a boyfriend who thinks the plant (even though it 'looks bad') is good for a beginner..


Active Member
you did good but that plant is sad i didn't want to be rude and flat out say it all im tryin to say is you have the potential to supply your own stash some day and don't think you can grow and skip the research because that plant their wont yeild much at all welcome to roll it up and poke around a bit and read some grow jornals:hug::peace:

Well.. consider I'm currently lacking a job and a car and if I got a job the money would go towards getting the car, so no money at all for anything remotely awesome as lighting and whatnot. I can fully appreciate you saying I did good with what I had available. Thanks for attempting not to be rude either, I look forward to reading these grow journals..


Well-Known Member
I love how he acts like he is jesus at growing.

It is stretched as fuck!

You do not intend to smoke it? Why else would you grow it?

I swear to god some people should have a IQ test done before they are allowed to have access to the internet.


Well-Known Member
Also look, He is using a desk lamp for lighting and he is using a fucking ruler to keep it standing up.

I swear this guy will get arrested before flowering, if the plant even makes it that far.


Well-Known Member
Hulk your one to be point out someone IQ, if you notice SHE has stated that shes not a guy plenty of times.

As far as growing weed being easy it depends on the strain some strain can take loads of abuse and neglect and still turn out ok, others such as haze need a more optimal enviornment and treatment to succesfully grow.


Well-Known Member
Hulk your one to be point out someone IQ, if you notice SHE has stated that shes not a guy plenty of times.

As far as growing weed being easy it depends on the strain some strain can take loads of abuse and neglect and still turn out ok, others such as haze need a more optimal enviornment and treatment to succesfully grow.
Yes you illiterate twat, I know it has been saying it is not a guy but I am saying it is a guy.

Which is why I am saying it.


Well-Known Member
Yes you illiterate twat, I know it has been saying it is not a guy but I am saying it is a guy.

Which is why I am saying it.
you must be a really angry person....why don't you just leave it alone....are you only here to criticize? i have not seen one valuable piece of information from you in this post

-rep from me


Well-Known Member
Yes you illiterate twat, I know it has been saying it is not a guy but I am saying it is a guy.

Which is why I am saying it.
Ok first of what does SHE have to gain by lying about gender on a weed forum, second your calling me illiterate, yet you didnt say I think sandstoner is lying about their gender or anything to that effect you just started calling her a he. Unless you think that illiterate mean that I'm unable to read minds, in that case you would be correct, i am not a mind reader but you are a cock smoker so fuck off.


Well-Known Member
Its an easy plant to grow. And a challenging plant to grow well.

Hit the basics, don't try to do everything, and do NOT over analyze.

Vegging is easy, and fairly idiot proof. Flowering is where you prove your chops.

And welcome!

edit: whats with all the hostility? Where's the love?


Well-Known Member
Yeah i think so too, it was meant for hulk. He is knocking the OP and he can't even get a plant half as big. I just hate to see people be mean because someone needs help or doesn't know the ins and outs of growing pot.... idk

Tom bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
you must be a really angry person....why don't you just leave it alone....are you only here to criticize? i have not seen one valuable piece of information from you in this post

-rep from me
this whulk guy never has anything intelleged to say
i have not been on the boards for about 3 weeks i see he has not changed.

good job sandstone hope you can get your own place
and get a grow of your own growing ,you seem to have
a green thumb ,but there is alot for you to learn