Growing Sativas


Well-Known Member
I been reading up on sativa and i am not sure if i ever smoked a sativa. From what i read the high is more uplifting and energetic. So i wanted to get a seed from attitude. But they grow too tall for my outdoor grow. Can you do that lst thing or something to make them not grow as tall and which sativas do you guys recommend. thanks
Yeah man there's a lot of different techniques to keep a plants height in check lst and topping are what I would do if I were you. Ex. Top the plant for 4 main colas Uncle Bens got a great tutorial for this, and then you could tie certain branches sown and make a real bushy lady.
don't do it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, don't do it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,don't do it..............
super lemon haze !!!!! Blue dream is good too. Oh and chocolope holy shit i almost forgot chocolope
don't do it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, don't do it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,don't do it..............


Sativas+Newbs+indoors=A not good growing experience.

You've smoked it, probably 90%+ of all weed sold on the street is sativa.

I didn't really understand if your doing indoor or outdoor, but don't do outdoor, you have little controll over the plant and too many things can go wrong.
i am doing outdoors in my backyard. yeah i think all i smoked were indicas, i smoked some haze, sour diesel and regs. sour diesel give me a stoned high, i just did not want to do anythnig just sit on my ass. I need to be energized when i go to the club and what not. One satvia strain i read on attitude said it is good at treatment for depression, which i suffer from so why not give it a try
. One satvia strain i read on attitude said it is good at treatment for depression, which i suffer from so why not give it a try
is that Subcools Pandoras Box ? that's a good one for depression.
Haze is definetly a Sativa, the king of Sativas if you ask me, too much paranoia though.
Reefermans Willie Nelson is a great strain 100 % Asian Sativa.
When growing sativa, the obvious problem is the height, cuz they can get tall, like rly rly tall, like taller than shaq tall. After the start of flowering for a sativa, they can double and even triple in size! There are various techniques you can use to try and cope with the height, such as LST and topping. If you want your sativa to be shorter, you must look into how to decrease the internodal spacing. There are a multitude of factors which determine the internodal spacing and stretch of the plant. The difference between the night and day temps is one (i.e. the night temp should not be more than 10 degrees more/less than the daytime temp, which is nearly impossible to control outdoors unless ur in a temp controlled greenhouse). Another factor is the strength of the lighting and its location in respect to the plant (i.e. plants stretch towards the light, so light sources close to the plant make the plant less inclined to stretch.) This is also hard to control outdoors. Some other alternatives are to supplement the plant with auxins and gibberellin, which are plant hormones that can regulate growth. However, if height is a concern, (which it is in your case) sativa is going to push the limits. If you want to go for it, then by all means do it, just watch the internodal spacing, and provide adequate room to the sides so you can direct vertical growth to the sides. Good Luck and Happy Growing!
is that Subcools Pandoras Box ? that's a good one for depression.
Haze is definetly a Sativa, the king of Sativas if you ask me, too much paranoia though.
Reefermans Willie Nelson is a great strain 100 % Asian Sativa.

it was not that one, i can't find it now. but it said on description that is was good for depression. Thanks for recommending pandoras box. they have an autoflower of it as well. says good for tropical areas all year round. I live in puerto rico. It does say 90/10 indica/sativa for the autoflower and the Effect : Long lasting intense stoned effect , relaxing and medical. I want it to be uplifting and energetic. Haze always had me laughing .
How close are you to the equator ? Autos maybe be the only thing you can grow outdoors if your close.
How close are you to the equator ? Autos maybe be the only thing you can grow outdoors if your close.

I would say pretty close. Puerto Rico is 1980 miles from the equator. Why would autoflowers be the only thing i could grow, same climate as jamaica. People grow weed outside just fine here. they say that it is better to grow during winter time, not so hot. But summer where i live it stays in the 80's and it is always breezy here since it is up on a mountain.
I think sativa is definitely less common than indica, here anyway. It seems like there are always 20 indicas available at the dispensary and only a couple sativas. I always assumed it was because sativas take considerably longer flower. I am growing a sativa, it's not huge but it wouldn't like growing in a closet. She's probably 3 feet and just started flowering a couple weeks ago but progress has been slow. I think many people prefer indica, a lot of my friends prefer indica.
I would say pretty close. Puerto Rico is 1980 miles from the equator. Why would autoflowers be the only thing i could grow, same climate as jamaica. People grow weed outside just fine here. they say that it is better to grow during winter time, not so hot. .

length of day and nights don't vary enough to vege big plants.
basically the plants will start flowering as soon as they reach sexual maturity which can be quite soon for hybrids.
nearly 2000 miles is quite a ways from the equator though.
if i was you I would veg inside for 3-6 weeks under 24/0 light n 2 days darkness, then stick them outside n there gonna start budding right away, otherwise plant in late spring when daylight is almost at its max hours