
There shouldn't be any secrets to growing weed, i wouldn't keep secrets that could help somebody grow bigger vegetables to feed themselves, but i can see somebody worried about it affecting their money but i dont look at weed as a cash crop, i will gladly give you a bowl along with all my growing tips and secrets
Telling you the things about growing that I was taught by my dad is not going to create a problem with my money... It's the principal... Who is ever going to trust you with secrets if you go around being a blabbermouth to every person who wants to ask? I'm generous with almost everything but secrets, just ask the clubs that I charge bottom dollar per ounce to.
hey growtech, the funny thing is this is an information SHARING site. you have your nice ELITE sign, I hope it keeps you nice and warm at night.
Nah... the HPS keeps me warm at "night"
if you don't want to share, WTF you doing here? just scrounging OTHER PEOPLES INFO?
Heh... I've been growing cannabis since before I could ride all the big rides at the theme park. Like I said... I've gone through years of trial and error... I just felt it was important to say that secrets are private for a reason... Loose lips sink ships, and those who TELL secrets never get TOLD secrets.
It's the principal. You wont bone your best friends girl, I won't tell secrets. Everyone is such a blabbermouth about things nowadays, and when the #1 rule to crops is to keep your mouth shut, do they? No, they get busted...
just a thought. Who you hurting, him? don't think so. pull the head out and look to the light.
I'm not out to hurt anyone... just to remind all of you that if you have a secret, keep ya damned mouth shut about it... because whoever told you the secret is gonna feel pretty shitty about how they trusted you and you betrayed their trust...
Stop. Think. You are a member of this forum because an OPEN FORUM is what you want. The sharing of ideas or socalled "secrets" is the basis for you membership.
I stopped... I thought... and I honestly wouldn't mind if it cost money to be a member here. The sharing of ideas wasn't my reason for joining, but to help others with ridiculous issues and interact with a few people I know here.
Hopefully you didn't join this forum so you can anonymously boast about all of your super secret techniques and not share any.
No... I joined this forum before this thread was created, and it wasn't to boast about anything.
There are no secrets. Plants are no mystery. They require certain things and when those needs are met, the end product is quality. 5000 years of agriculture hasn't happened because some douche nozzle kept his irrigation techniques a secret, and wouldn't divulge his "SECRET SOIL MIXTURE" or whatever skewed nonsense you think you know that "NOONE ELSE KNOWS".
As I said before, people can grow a perfectly fine crop without the tricks I was told... It's not my job to babysit your plants for you, or to tell you how to get your plants growing like they're on steroids. I'm not your mommy, I just thought some of you could benefit from a lesson in morals... How would you like it if someone told all of your secrets? If it's a secret, don't tell it- if it's information, then talk all day. But a secret is when someone tells you NOT to say something about it... and to open your mouth like some snitch in interrogation says a lot about the type of person you are.
Rubbish. If you don't want to answer this guy's question then don't. There's no need for you to teach life lessons to strangers on a forum. Help or don't, and if you see something wrong correct it. That is all that is needed from you in a forum. You have to admit Growtech, that you were being a nozzle when you posted that and days later when people disagreed you took the time to type 2000 words to defend yourself. NOT TO HELP. I've typed enough about this as it is so please, have some phuckin manners dude. Nobody wants to hear about your daddy issues anyway. How is that relevant to cannabis?
What I choose to do on this forum is for me to decide, NOT you. If I want to remind people that those who tell peoples secrets are scumbags, I will- it appears that a lot of people could use the reminder. I don't care what you think is NEEDED here from me... Who are you again?
Also... Mr Nozzle Infatuation... The content you're referring to was all submitted within 3-6 hours, not "days later" -- Here on planet earth we have 24 hours in a day... in case you weren't aware.
Also... I don't have "daddy issues." I have issues with loose lips and people who fuck good things up for those who were trusted with secrets... You're the type of cat who is first to snitch to get a deal, or first to tell the secret, and thats so pathetic. Nothing is lower on the list of people who deserve respect than those who give away secrets. You've gotta be kidding me.
I think (for an uber noob like me anyway) theres more than enough info to at the very least get set up for your first grow and get it underway. A lot of people who really seem to know their shit DO share a lot of their techniques, but I think like anything else, fucking up is just part of the learning process. I'm thinking that the questions that will come up from your first grow will provide you with info thats a little more appropriate for a beginner than more advanced "tricks" would be. Thats how I look at it for me anyway. just my .02
This guy said it best...
but on a side-note, it's nice to be able to refer back to this thread before I tell anyone anything that might benefit them. because there's nothing I hate more than blabbermouths.