Growing shrooms and weed together???


Well-Known Member
Not being a shroom person..what do they look like? Used to see folks in cow pastures here.


Well-Known Member
And what substrate are you using in the bags? Just straight coir or poop or some kind of mix?

I just went with:

But if you could get a decent yield just from bags, and not have the contams and mess, it might not be so bad.

5lbs off about 20 bags you say?
Read the posts Bro. ;-)
80 bags, should net ya about 5 dry pounds.

5 part Coco coir
2 part Compost
1 part Vermiculite
1/4 part Egg Laying Crumbles (Chicken Feed)
That's the mix I would use if I was a mushroom grower.
that right there is why i was looking for mushrooms and pot together...i wanna know what to do because my ladies have been getting little garden variety white mushrooms in her scared for them.....:o
I grow in a 4 x 8 hut with a 4 x 8 smart pot bedliner with 3 inches of chunky pearl light on the bottom and I use pro mix with mycorrhiza so I was going to take my pro mix mix it with Coco choir and vermiculite and I do sea of green five rows of five underneath each 4 x 4 and this Time I’m running three 315 W sun system lights when I used to run two 600s and you can only break the cakes over your soil once you start to flower so I believe this is going to be a good mix I can’t wait!!!! With a mini split in the hut to I’m in Vegas so...
And you can find a lot of beginners mushrooms that are easy to grow that or big yielders and will grow in 90° down to 60° so you just got a find the right mushroom or mushrooms
Here’s my moc up of it, I would hook up the middle 315 W light to my temperature on Temp monitor box and I will hook up one of the two outtakes into my humidity controller so if I got too high humidity one of the outtakes will kick on and I would have 2 passive intakes because we’re in a garage in Vegas summer...



Well-Known Member
Yeah mushrooms are way easier, cheaper and faster to grow than weed.

The co2 bags they sell are literally just mushroom spawn that never gets fruited. I’ve got a bunch of different mushroom tubs in a room with weed in the closet area. No idea if it helps but it can’t hurt.