Growing shrooms, quick, cheap, easy as fuck.

Sorry to be a dumbas* on this! I am also new to this have not even started! Just starting to get my stuff I need for this! I am lost on 1 thing you say this.

For one ½ pint jar(~240 ml) you will need:
=> 140 ml vermiculite
=> 40 ml brown rice flour
=> some vermiculite to fill the jar to the top (app. 20 ml)
=> water
For 6 jars, this amounts to:
=> 3.5 US cups vermiculite
=> 1 US cup brown rice flour

For 5 1/2 pint jars it should be 1 cup BRF, 1 cup water, and 2 cups vermiculite. This is according to the RR and Roadkill tek...

3.5 cups verm is way off...
Pf tek runs contrary to the natural life cycle of the mushroom and should be avoided if at all possible, any other tek is preferable from straight cow dung to popcorn to coir - cased or uncased although fully cased is the wisest course.
Pf tek runs contrary to the natural life cycle of the mushroom and should be avoided if at all possible, any other tek is preferable from straight cow dung to popcorn to coir - cased or uncased although fully cased is the wisest course.
I do completely agree Cann .....Plus, I feel it shouldn't be readily available knowledge as if this is as "ADVANCED" as you are then you have a long way to go....JMHO
Shit im sorry i remember reading somewhere that terance was the first to put spores in a syringe and distribute them. That could be terribly wrong though
Shit im sorry i remember reading somewhere that terance was the first to put spores in a syringe and distribute them. That could be terribly wrong though

don't know, maybe he was but the tek was McPherson. Selling about three thousand syringes a month for ten bucks each.
This does seem like a very easy way to do things. Ive always wanted to give it a shot, but not sure if I could keep things sterile enough. If I did try this would be the way to go for my first shot, seems to be simple.

Any opinions on ordering "magic truffles" from a company in Amsterdam. I was looking into it this morning and considering it. But don't really trust it.
Im not sure how thing's work were your at Bud? But, Hawkseye is awesome for inexpensive syringes or prints JMO..They ship internationally as well...PF tek is simple enough for first shot, moisture content is usually the biggest problem.. If your really worried about sterility you can poke a injection hole in top of jar and use high temp rtv sealant to plug it..and a burner of sorts to sterilize needle....wipe with iso(isopropyl alcohol 99%) to cool down ...Cann's got a good tek as well....No airflow and lysol are your friend .IMO keep it out of your bathroom as there is a lot of mold and mildew there.....Cleanboxes or rooms are over rated unless you are going to be isolating.
Don't mean to revive a somewhat dead thread but I'm unclear on the dunking the cakes part. One person mentioned do it overnight.

Do you take the entire cake out of the chamber after the first flush, submerge it in a bucket filled with water, and then roll it in more verm and then place it back in the chamber? Will the cake not fall apart when its in water for that long?

If someone could provide some clarification it'd be very appreciated. Was gonna do bulk but since its my first time I thought I'd try this out first.
I will also have trouble with sterile place. I live Fulltime in aMotorhome so I'm not sure if it will be sterile enough. We live in a horse farm with many Micro if life floating around. I only know because I make my own culture for plants and live soils for growing too. Atleast I tried making it a few times. Not sure if it works. As I haven't noticed a huge difference in plants I used it on. But hey. It didn't kill them. Lol. And I have a Aquariumbig big enough to put about 5 cakes in But I've always used it for clones and seedlings so it needs a good cleaning. Lysol I've heard a lot about using. How about chlorine water??? Can I use that to spray around my environment. It's sterile water. But will chili time or bleach water kill the mushrooms if it goes into their air supply or soemthing