Sorry to be a dumbas* on this! I am also new to this have not even started! Just starting to get my stuff I need for this! I am lost on 1 thing you say this.
For one ½ pint jar(~240 ml) you will need:
=> 140 ml vermiculite
=> 40 ml brown rice flour
=> some vermiculite to fill the jar to the top (app. 20 ml)
=> water
For 6 jars, this amounts to:
=> 3.5 US cups vermiculite
=> 1 US cup brown rice flour
For 5 1/2 pint jars it should be 1 cup BRF, 1 cup water, and 2 cups vermiculite. This is according to the RR and Roadkill tek...
3.5 cups verm is way off...