Growing Shrooms


Active Member
I'm interested in growing shrooms... though i know nothing about it. Could anyone post a link to a site that can knowledge me up?
(ps. may sound funny but ive never done them before, largely because always seems sketchy to get them off people you dont really know, ive heard some can look a bit like shrooms but kill you! so i wanna grow my own to play it safe!) :) thanks
peace :peace:


Well-Known Member
i am also interested in growing shrooms so hopefully someone post up a sweet link

i heard you have to grow them in cow poop. pretty sure it doesn't have to be a cow but pretty sure it has to be poop lol


Active Member
one more question:
i know if you take the caps and flick them, or just leave them for a while they will drop spores.... if i found some shrooms out in the wild, could i use them to grow more myself? if so , how?


Well-Known Member
Yes, but it would take a bit of brain growth. U see u gotta be sterile and this is a stoner site so you could accidentally grow a mucaus fungus formation from one tiny molecule of cough. Sterility is so important. I would do alot of research. I did and still won't mess with wild shit. Your life is worth taking a trip to another state to get spores legally. Plus you can do some siteseeing.


Active Member
allright if i do grow then ill just order it from one of those sites, i think vancouver seed bank does em. thanks