Growing "slow and cold"


Well-Known Member
I grow with 150 HPS/MH and temp is crucial.
I dont have air condition so I have temp changes

if its too cold, below 15C, my seedlings are stuck.
I replaced lamp to MH and cover my all grow with myler 2m sheet. kind of blanket to keep the heat.

if its too hot, above 30C I get problem with myths.

this winter I have problem with low temp, my seeds grow very slow.


Well-Known Member
I've seen colder temps used to bring out the purple and related smells late in flower on specific strains. That's just over a week or so late in flower or cool nights. I would like to see a "cold grow" grown from start to finish. It would be very interesting to see the results and phenos created. Bigger pot=Bigger Plant

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
For the last five or so days my stat has fucked up at lights off, dropping temps to the mid 40's, Res temps running at 63-65. My plants are growing 1-2" a day (in the throws of stretch) so I thinking temps while important are not as important as I once thought. Perhaps they may have grown 4-6" though if kept higher, that would be bad though as I have 2" tho go before the cropping begins lol.

Lisa martinez

Well-Known Member
Where i live we just had a major cold snap and them temp in my tent dropped blow 50F at night, since then i have noticed a very dark purple hue in the leaves but at the same time growth has slowed not to much but you can tell the difference. (now i understand why) thanks a lot for the info.


Well-Known Member
That was a phrase I heard a lot when I worked in the orchid growing industry. The old veteran gower/mentors believed that the cooler temperatures would cause flowers to produce brighter colors and fragrances and heartier growth. All I know is…they grew beautiful orchids that way!

Well, I have been applying a bit of this same reasoning to my indoor grow this time. I have been keeping the daytime temps at around 60-65 degrees, Fahrenheit, during the day, and down to mid-50s or lower at night. The plants seem to love it! I'm not doing this to get purple colors, btw. In fact, the leaves are greener than ever!

Since I only do one run per year, now, I can only (practically-speaking) achieve these temps during the fall/winter months.

Oh, and the other thing….I have been using 4 fans in my humble, little tent and the air movement is massive! It's alllmmmmossst to the point of desiccating some of the leaves that are closest to the fans. I stress a LOT of air movement!

So, in short, I am adopting a cool/windy growing environment philosophy!

-anyone else prefer to grow slow and cold?

Cool you used to grow orchids, Me too, they can be challenging to get them to re-bloom over and over, but comparing them to cannabis is a lil off my man.
And the reptile comparison I won't even touch.
The reason your plants are greener is because of the stored chlorophyll, its stored because the photosynthesis process is being slowed because of temps.
Same reason why outdoor plants typically are a lighter shade of green, because the photosynthetic process is accelerated.
Good windflow is good. But not too much.
Your plants look nice too by the way.