Growing some kalichakra got some problems..


So I started 10 kalichakra seeds about 15 days ago, they sprouted about 4 days later so my plants are about 11 days old.

There growth has been very slow and leaves have been curling/yellowing. I'm not sure whats been happening. I've been struggling to keep the RH up its been averaging about 30%.

There in FF light warrior with no nutes given to them yet. Ive been adjusting my tap water(after being let sit out for 12-24 hours) to about pH 6.3-6.5 using api pH down (sulfuric acid).

I water every 4-5 days I let them get bone dry, there in 16oz solo cups

I posted a picture taken yesterday, they have since gotten even more droopy.

Any help would be awesome :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
no experience with this strain, think it's from Mandala
my guess is you have root bound issues in the cups and need to upscale
certainly looks like short on something


Well-Known Member
Mandala have grade AAA genetics. their plants basically grow themselves! I have grown the kalichakra out several times. My guess is you have a hot batch of ff soil, not unusual, or the acid you are using is taking the ph down after you take a reading. I would bubble your water with an airstone for 24-48 hours and feed them with that alone. never fails for me. good luck you are going to enjoy the kalichakra once you dial those ladies in!


Thanks guys, yes it is from mandala. This is my first time growing mandala. I agree growone it does look like there lacking something but all the advice I have gotten was to leave them alone. I have 1 gallon grow bags ready to transplant so I might do that in the near future. They will be transplanted with straight FF ocean forest, maybe that will provide some nutrients that they need.


Well-Known Member
good luck, i've had poor experiences with organic soil and small pots
they fill spaces like 16 oz very quickly, you might check the root ball on 1 of the cups


Well-Known Member
ill tell you right now they are not root bound, I grow mine in cups like that after they sprout in rockwool cubes, once the sprout has a good long root hanging out of the cube i go to the cup, then i stay in the cup till they are about 5-6 inches tall. at this point they are approaching rootboud but still not there.

Here you see 3 of my clones just about ready to be repotted, the largest is about 7 inches tall and almsot perfect cept the slight discoleration forming tells me this plant has used up its room and nutes in the pot. notice how the discoloration is slight and coming from the edges, this is the palnt telling you repot me!

yours has complete discoloration that is the plant saying oww what ever you did hurt.

ok here u see 3 of my clones about ready to leave the cups, the nice looking one on the far left is Osiris (WW+ak47)by pyramid seeds, it is just about rootbound (when i took her out she had circled the cup bottom once roots were perfect) then she really took off once replanted, could actualy see her growth every day and she grew very fast because of her larger root structure before repotting.

now the poor tangerine dream (far right)was attack by my kitties but she is now very bushy and about 12 inches tall and going strong. Once the cats chew on them (and i let them cause they are my babies, plus people laugh their asses off when they see you cat chewing on a weed leaf) they come back much healither and bushy after being chewed. I have full documentaion of this statment on my grow.

your plants look stressed but recovering, u see how the green is yellow ish on only the bottom leaves and the new center ones are bright healthy green, your plant was stressed some how and is now adapting and growing healthy leaves that should be stronger than the previous ones.

I see this behavior when i change a plants condition in a major way, like re potting, removing from the humidity dome to aburptly, major temp or humidity changes.

also i wouldn't let them get bone dry, thats like walking a tightrope of root damage. when roots dry out the plant begins to die, keep em slighty moist water every 2-3 days or even jsut a light watering everyday and i mean light. of course in cups u have be be very careful not to over water either, i hope u popped holes in the bottom of the cups, if not u should.

Keep taking care of them and they should do just fine from what i have read and see in your pic.

my 2cents


Thanks lonestand your clones look great, mine aren't even close to that size so I'll wait until they are about that big and decide to transplant. I was thinking about transplanting not because of them being rootbound but because the new soil would provide new nutrients. But like you said the yellowing is because I did something wrong not them being hungry.

Maybe I am letting them dry out too much, I watered them right before I took this picture and now (about 18 hours later) they've really perked up.

They look alright now, the yellow is obviously still there, but there still really behind. I was planning on a 1 month veg but the way things are going it might have to be at least a 6 week veg.