Growing space question

Just came across this:,160_&refRID=0DA94TJKAVB7Y4JZDFEF


Looks good, good reviews and all. Cheap too.

The only problem is, how would I vent out the heat? I guess I'd need a new extractor fan + filter....

Trust me, look into the COBS, they ARE the future and as soon as I can afford to i will be swapping over to COB`s as well,but in the meantime HPS have a proven track record of yielding well so maybe look into that for now? as a 1k HPs can be had for £100-200 whereas swapping over to COBs for a 5x5 area will cost you well over £2k
And affording a £2k swap over to COBS is a lot less painful when uve been pulling 30-40oz a time with the HPS for the last however long if you get my drift
And affording a £2k swap over to COBS is a lot less painful when uve been pulling 30-40oz a time with the HPS for the last however long if you get my drift

Yeah, I get what you mean.

I've been given an addy to a manufacturer in china. I can get all the kit needed to build the cobs for around >£500. That's for a 5x5 too. Retailers charge a hell of alot more, that £2k is pure retail.

25 x 120 Diameter Passive Heatsinks @ $6 each = $150
25 x GT-COB2828352144037140 @ 4.50 each = 112.50
25 x 90 Degree Glass Optics @ 2.50 each = 62.50
25 x 2828 Ceramic holders @ .55 each = 13.75
Shipping = 80.25
Total= 419USD

+ The drivers and heatsinks too, I'll probably buy them from TME. I'll be following @Growmau5 guides on how to build your own cobs if I ever decide to go through with it.
Go for a 1k HPS in a coolhood, run it for 6-12months, get some cash behind ya then decide a bit down the line etc, £100-200 for a 1k HPS will earn you easy £20k in a 5x5 over a year

Why not 40k in a year instead? :???: Sounds more inticing to me lol
There's a point where one can become too greedy and hinder their harvest.

Haha, if you say so...

In this business I don't think there is such thing as being too greedy
Unless you're growing for personal use and even then... most people need to recoup their losses on equiptment.
So what was your point? A hindered harvest comes with lack of knowledge.

Looking to improve my overall yield with more plants and equipment isn't going to produce less....

Think you've smoked yourself stupid bud.
I didn't say anything other than what I said. I never said anything about anyone's lack of knowledge. It's not cool to put words in people's mouths. And to call someone stupid is rude, bud.
I have never heard of anyone getting more than 3 lbs in a 5x5 space in any configuration of lights co2, never mind 5 lbs.
Someone is trying to convert me into using COB lighting.

I mean, in terms of heat used, electricity and variable other factors.. yeah cobs are great. but.... I'm really undecided on which is best tbh. I may end up going for the DE like you said. But I can't find any evidence to back up the fact that COB's yield "More" than HPS. From videos and forums I've been through they look as if they are on par with one another.

Something about photons compared to HPS are out of its league. More photons = More yield.
I've grown for years my next light is gonna be a spyder 1200
Someone is trying to convert me into using COB lighting.

I mean, in terms of heat used, electricity and variable other factors.. yeah cobs are great. but.... I'm really undecided on which is best tbh. I may end up going for the DE like you said. But I can't find any evidence to back up the fact that COB's yield "More" than HPS. From videos and forums I've been through they look as if they are on par with one another.

Something about photons compared to HPS are out of its league. More photons = More yield.
Nobody is saying cobs yield more than hps. They are saying that they are more efficient and yield "more grams per watt" than hps. And that is true...sorta...

LED guys like throwing that stat around when it works in their favour, but the exact same guys will say not all watts are equal when comparing led to led...forgetting that argument when it comes to hps...