growing stealth! need help

i have set up 2 speaker boxes to grow stealth in. they both have about 24 inches of hight i could grow in. i want to use one speaker for my mother and then the other from clones and grown the clones to bud in there. any one have some stair recomendations? i want one that isnt very tall and has a high yeild. please help. i have looked at lowryders but the lack of cloning makes them not ideal for what i want to start.


Well-Known Member
u can go with THC bomb.
its short, good smoke, and can clone.

they sell them at: marajuana-seeds


Well-Known Member
well. idk exactly but if ur box is 24 inches high.

u can grow the plants like 10-11 inches and start flowering them, they will grow twice the height that you started the flowering cycle. so in havest time they will be 20-22inches around there.

im not too sure but from what i read n heard yea.. i hope this helps
probly a dumb question. i have only grown autos and im tired of having to buy new seeds, and i dont have the room to set up to get seeds. but any ways can i make any stair flower when i change the light cycle? like can i force them to bud when they are like 10 inches tall?