Growing Strawberry Haze; questions


Active Member
How long should I veg/flower them if I want to keep them under 4.5 feet tall and have about 1.5 metres square to work with and four plants? How should I prune/top them to ensure nice full plants bearing in mind they're hazes?

Oh and will the well aged cow manure give enough N or should I add nutes during veg? I don't really care about organic, big yeild is better!


Yesterday was day 0. I'm germinating 8 strawberry haze seeds.


1 x 125W ecolight blue
1 x 200W ecolight red

The plan:

I'm going to start off the seedlings in 2" square pots filled with regular potting compost under the blue light until the 2nd set of true leaves are developed. Then I will transfer them to ~4 litre pots of potting compost, clay, well aged cow manure and some sand, and still under the blue light, veg them until they are a foot tall. Then I will transfer them to ~10 litre pots with more manure, clay, potting compost and sand and flower them under the red light and the blue light for 14 weeks.

I'm thinking that I'll have about 4 plants, so they will be put in a ~1.25 meter square area with mylar sides for reflection and the lamps hung in the middle.

How tall will these plants grow? If they are to be topped, should I let them flower until they grow to the height I want and then top them? Or should I let them veg until they're as tall as i want then flower and top them straight away?

BTW, I posted this in CFL growing earlier, but that forum's rather slow, and these questions are more general.

Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
Hey there ranunky

IMO if you're gonna do a CFL grow SCrOG is the way to go!
About our does NOT have a grow video about our strain yet (they have them for just about all of theirs) but i found a NL #5 x Haze Mist video (which is what Arjan's Strawberry Haze is a cross off) and basically found this out...
greenhouse seed co's sativas get friggin enormous! The Arjan's haze #1 and #2 grew hella lanky they said to expect this plant to stretch a lot.

In FACT they said that their sativas are SO stretchy that many growers (i'd honestly never heard of doing this before) pretty much start out at 12/12 to minimize plant size. 4.5 feet should be plenty for a SCrOG grow

That being said you should be able to manage your grow as long as you don't let them veg too long. probably a little trimming will be in order before you start flowering at the top of the plant to encorage more side growth (you def don't wanna prune within 2 weeks of any flowering activity). These guys will do a lot of stretching into the flowering period so you dont want to veg them to their full size you'll just run outta room. I imagine another 6-12 inches of growth within the first couple weeks of flower. I have no clue about your manure. Did you buy it as fert or just picking shit off the ground? Probably a good question for the organics forum but you can get the General Hydroponics 3 part with more than enough for a cycle of 4 plants for 30 bucks at the hydro store (makes it easy to control nutes). Although you won't have a huge yeild 3.75' x 3.75' should be decently well lit by that but keep in mind ppl put 600w suckers over their 4' x 4' ebb n flows so you gotta keep those lights in there nice and close.

NE pictures?

With CFLs theres really no reason to hold out on light when they're young. 325 watts of cfl won't hurt them. Obviously with these you gotta keep them hella close to the light but never touching. One of my seedlings grew a couple cm yesterday and i came back from work and she was too close!

BTW 14 weeks will probably be pretty unnecessary


Well-Known Member
Hey Ranunky,

Where did u get the seeds? I luv that shit, even though it got me locked up. I had a great connect on it and was smoking so much of it when the cops came i couldn't decide whether or not to run or let them catch me. I fuckin luv that shit. When i went to court and they had the erb laying on the table( 11 months later) I found my mouth just watering. Sorry, about rambling i just got caught in the moment. Anyway, it would be much appreciated if you could tell who sells them and if they ship U.S. Id love to see some pics when she gets going and good luck to you.



Active Member
dirtyshawa: I bought the seeds from my local grow shop, it's arjan's strawbwrry haze from greenhouse seeds. Oh, and that's one hell of an endorsement for this strain lol, kudos!

Thanks for your advice adamizer! I'm reading about this SCrOG method now and it sounds like "the shizzle". The manure is from a big pile on my grandparent's farm... much better than store bought stuff!

No pics atm as I only visit the grow site at weekends (don't worry, someone I trust is looking after them during the week!).


Active Member
Anyway, it would be much appreciated if you could tell who sells them and if they ship U.S. Id love to see some pics when she gets going and good luck to you.
yo dude. I dropped $200 at attidtude seeds and sure enough they came in bout two weeks to Central texas. I too bought 5 fem arjans strawberry haze. I germinated 3 and all three sprouted this morning.:hump: These are my wifes babies tho. I picked up some white diesel, and blue cheese for myself. But dont the strawberry fuckers take like 12 weeks flowering tho?

this is my first grow. and I plan on throwing one under 12/12 right away 1000HPS. veg one for 1 month. and keep one as a mother under 400MH..

This high should be worth it tho


Well-Known Member
dirtyshawa: I bought the seeds from my local grow shop, it's arjan's strawbwrry haze from greenhouse seeds.

I don't know if i want to order seeds, because, you can never underestimate the feds. But, keep me posted and i'll come and buy all that goody good good when your ready to harvest :mrgreen: Goooood Luck:blsmoke: