Growing Techniques for maximum CBD(Cannabidiol) content?


Well-Known Member
Hi first post here.

A little history about me: i smoked pretty much A grade skunky sticky pot 24/7 from the ages of 17 to 23 and loved it until it "broke the camels back" and it got to the point of just looking at pot sent me into panic disorder(crazy heartbeat and stuff).

Im now 27 and haven't smoked more than 2 grams since and i think i have recovered to the point to where i can smoke every now and again. A few months ago i smoked a couple of cones of weak bush bud and it was absolutely wonderful, really high and no anxiety at all, which i think may have been high in CBD due to what ive read of land race strains being high in CBD.

Now to CBD:

From the articles and videos ive seen this is the stuff in MJ that basically lets you enjoy the high without the anxiety.

Some info on it(the vid is especially interesting):

Now i plan on setting up a small personal grow in the near future so i can experiment and control exactly what strains are grown and what exactly goes into the plants so i can find a good strain and Technique for maximum CBD content.

So here are my questions:

Nutrients? organic or what if any can be used to max out CBD?

Light Factor? Can different colours of light or intensity affect CBD content?

Strains? Indica or Sativa(im leaning towards indica)? I know at the end of the day a strain can only have a certain CBD content but what can be done to max it out? Another thing suggested to me is to find a pure strain of industrial hemp seed(which is supposedly high in CBD) with little to no THC content and cross it with a half good strain for a good THC to CBD ratio and truth to that?

And harvest time? This is, from what ive read, can have the most potent effect on CBD content. Harvest buds earlier or later?

Sorry for the long post but maybe this thread can become a little info centre for people wanting higher CBD content in their pot?

Much thanks.


Well-Known Member
Uv lights are the key to potency. This is the best kept growing secret i dont know why only some do it. The ultra violet rays cause the plant to grow more trichomes and we all know that the trichomes have the highest concentration of cannibinoids.


Well-Known Member
Uv lights are the key to potency. This is the best kept growing secret i dont know why only some do it. The ultra violet rays cause the plant to grow more trichomes and we all know that the trichomes have the highest concentration of cannibinoids.
Thanks, will deffinatly look into that some more.

i think you should find some medical strains.i am veg 2 pakistan valleys right now especially for high cbd.thats what the site says of course;)
Yea great idea, i forgot to add in my first post if anyone knows of any high strength(CBD) strains to post em up. :)

So yea i really want to pick ppls brains on what that know about raising CBD content so many more suggestions welcome.



Well-Known Member
Hey yo

awesome idea to raise cdb lvl's i have been looking for a technique on how to do that.
But i was just thinkin, so the THC comes from the Trich's right? And the cdb come more from the rest of the plant eg. leaves?
So try mixing dry leaves with the bud when you smoke...

Tell me if it works
Good thread


Well-Known Member
Awesome, that's a big help. Thanks.

Hey yo

awesome idea to raise cdb lvl's i have been looking for a technique on how to do that.
But i was just thinkin, so the THC comes from the Trich's right? And the cdb come more from the rest of the plant eg. leaves?
So try mixing dry leaves with the bud when you smoke...

Tell me if it works
Good thread
Thanks will do.

Yea, if you take a look at most strains these days they are bread to give sky-rocketing THC lvls but the CBD seems to have been forgotten.

If what ive read is correct CBD basically puts they fun back into pot, id say a 70%THC to 30%CBD ratio would be quite good.

Keeps suggestions coming :)


Well-Known Member
you know sometimes i am afraid to smoke a high thc hybrid.i dont wanna be paranoid.if youre growing outdoor you can try these
if i was living in the country i would grow something like that
and there are some sativas that could have a nice effect but most of them are drivin me crazy.depends on the person.


Well-Known Member
you know sometimes i am afraid to smoke a high thc hybrid.i dont wanna be paranoid.if youre growing outdoor you can try these
if i was living in the country i would grow something like that
and there are some sativas that could have a nice effect but most of them are drivin me crazy.depends on the person.
Big thanks for all the strain suggestions fella's and by all means keep on posting them. But i would like to focus a little more on actual growing techniques for max CBD.

I think a good place to start is harvest time or ripeness of the buds. I have read conflicting posts around the web, some say to harvest earlier when the tric's are clear/cloudy or to harvest really late when the buds have ALOT of colour to them for max CBD?

What say thou?

Much thanks.


Well-Known Member
Sorry but have to shameless bump the thread. The thread is on like page 14 or something.

Would really love to hear weather harvest time(trich colour) makes a difference.



Well-Known Member
Well I would consider the CA Hash Seeds from Attitude. They sending me some free and it supposed to be good for making sick folks go to sleep. If I ever get around to growing some I will tell you how it went. Right now I have some big blue pills which make me sleep pretty good. No not Viagra but Flourazepam. Them things make a person sleep like a baby. About 2 piss breaks a night which aint bad for an old guy with a prostate about the size of a bowling ball.


Well-Known Member
I think harvest time is most important.. CBD/THC ratio has something to do with the cloudy/amber trics. I think CBD/CBC turn into THC.. then THC oxidizes into CBN when drying and harvesting.. this is why curing is key for a great high..

this is a good link.. only THC and she retreated to her mind and it was too much (most people have skeletons in their closet and or lower self esteem which leads to negative thoughts).
with a mix of both THC and CBD its more of a body giggly high fun and enjoyable

CBD is almost like a regulator for the THC.. and A MUST.. anyone ranting and raving about THC is miss informed.

so when harvested at the right time with a good CBD/THC ratio and cured enough to give the great CDB/THC/CBN ration then you will have the best pot you have ever smoked dependent on strain. even then it comes down to the environment you give it.


Well-Known Member
I went to a MCC class and they were saying to leave more of the leaf on the bud when you trim for max CBD


New Member
so the THC comes from the Trich's right? And the cdb come more from the rest of the plant eg. leaves?
nope, CBD is also a cannibinoid that is processed in the same place as the THC. the resin gland. I know Northern lights has high levels of CBD


Well-Known Member
and i think that is because where it was originated from (washington state) it doesnt get super hot or the sun isn't crazy UV.. therefore not turn as much CBD into THC.. sounds like it makes sense... ofcourse this is all what I THINK.. environment has alot to do with i beleive. UV creates alot of THC and i think lower night temp's help pump out more resin (not certain). I've read of people finding plants after winter when they go back to prep for next season and they are caked with resin.. almost like a protective shell from harse climate... alot of cannabis that originated along the equator have tons of thc.. and med/little CBD especially when its grown there.. due to the high UV...
I'd say harvest 70/30 white/amber and cure for a good amount of time.. I think curing is a key factor for what you want..

anyone care to shed light or add to my theorys go ahead.. everything i say is THEORY not fact.. so take it as you will...